Try answering my best
1. Do you mean left Shift because right one is second biggest key on blade 15? I think you’ve non us layout right, yes it’s same size with other keys need to get to used.
2. Top right and left areas have dead zone to avoid that, if you’re moving the trackpad accidentally often maybe you should also getting used to it or disabling touchpad when you’re writing or gaming if you use a mouse.
3. Home end keys can be used by ctrl+ up arrow and down
4. I believe you meant the right ctrl key, because fn keys both placed on both corners, only left fn after control key. User who doing coding, cad works etc seemly doesn’t like fn key on right corner area after arrow buttons because of their typing habits that may hitting that key.
FN keys are machine based and not controlled by the OS , it can't be remapped basically. You can do moding though but it’s hassle, have a lot risk and I’m not recommend it.
I have the US layout. I meant what I said originally:
1) The right shift key is smaller than essentially all standard keyboards.
2) I cant disable the trackpad when using it for work. I shouldn't have to get used to a new keyboard or trackpad, I'm constantly messing up things while typing because the trackpad is in a bad spot.
3) Yes, I know this, but I'd still prefer to have the home and end keys.
4) I meant the bottom left ctrl and fn key as I originally stated, they are swapped for some reason, where on essentially all other keyboards you have the fn key in the bottom right. There's also no reason to have another fn key, it's literally dead space.
Unfortunately although the spec's of this machine won me over to buy it, I'll probably end up returning it because of these basic mistakes made on the build.
Thanks for trying to help.
I see. Curious about previous laptop brand you had. I used to a MacBook keyboard keys placement and when changing to Blade 14 Keyboard, it wasn’t so hard since it is kind similar. Blade 15 Keyboard keys placement got a lot critic even from media like youtuber etc, but personally I could get used to it, take maybe like a month until not miss hitting though unlike when switching to Blade 14 before.
I havent had a mac in a while, but most recently the keyboards I use most are logitech and thinkpad, both I think are 2 of the best you can buy. I was expecting it to be worse, but not this bad. I'd wish they just didnt have the fn key on the bottom left and made a bigger ctrl one. Along with the trackpad, you cant rest your right hand on the chassis without touching the top right of the pad.
I think I'm going to keep it and maybe just get an external keyboard and suffer whenever I use it like an actual laptop lol.
Hi again,
So after some thought, I've decided to hold onto the machine, the specs are just too nice and outweighs any annoyances with the keyboard/track pad xD.
I've read some past issues on this forum regarding temps and whatnot from what I believe are old blade builds. I decided to run some tests on the one I got to ensure everything looks good. From what I can tell everything looks solid, but if you all think there are any red flags let me know! Otherwise I figured the results could help some others looking for some results on the new blades.
I'm not sure why 3D Mark couldn't recognize my card, maybe it's because of the demo version, but its the 2080. Also excuse the messed up html with the image tag, not sure what happened there either.

Hi again,
So after some thought, I've decided to hold onto the machine, the specs are just too nice and outweighs any annoyances with the keyboard/track pad xD.
I've read some past issues on this forum regarding temps and whatnot from what I believe are old blade builds. I decided to run some tests on the one I got to ensure everything looks good. From what I can tell everything looks solid, but if you all think there are any red flags let me know! Otherwise I figured the results could help some others looking for some results on the new blades.
I'm not sure why 3D Mark couldn't recognize my card, maybe it's because of the demo version, but its the 2080. Also excuse the messed up html with the image tag, not sure what happened there either.
3Dmark is too lazy updating things. How can they not recognize 2nd gpu and show this’s as 1070maxq result lol. Yeah sometimes mine also shows on title only vga card, you can try another nvidia driver version maybe it’ll show your 2080maxq properly but rtx mobile drivers still isn’t too many as pascal and some of them have issue, so so maybe I’d stick with one who doesn’t have issues especially on performance.
Sidenote yeah it’s great performance and temperature. Xtu benchmark score as well, that’s over 30% improvement compared my 8750H which scored 1500 with temperature almost hitting 90.
Yea very weird about 3Dmark.
That seems like a huge score for the 1070! Apparently I need to do something to get more out of this 2080!? Regardless, as long as there are no major red flags I'm cool with it. I've never been too big about overclocking or anything, I'd rather just have slightly less performance with the hope it lasts a bit longer, but that could be flawed thinking lol.
Yea very weird about 3Dmark.
That seems like a huge score for the 1070! Apparently I need to do something to get more out of this 2080!? Regardless, as long as there are no major red flags I'm cool with it. I've never been too big about overclocking or anything, I'd rather just have slightly less performance with the hope it lasts a bit longer, but that could be flawed thinking lol.
No lol, it’s egpu cheat look at hidden tab. But yes you can still max the performance by finding right cpu undervolting and gpu overclocking values. But I’d happy with that performance and temperature personally, 500 or 1000 score difference doesn’t mean 10 or 20 FPS difference.
Oh hahaha, nice. I haven't messed around with 3Dmark in forever, I'm a nub.
Yea I agree, I'll probably just leave it be seeing as everything looks fine. Thanks for the input and help!
Oi tudo,
Acabei de comprar e recebi um novo modelo Razer Blade 15 Advanced. No geral, a máquina parece ótima, mas eu tenho uma grande queixa que pode me levar a devolver a máquina; especificamente, com o teclado. O layout é bem chato por vários motivos:
- o turno certo é pequeno, mas eu posso viver com isso
- o trackpad é centralizado com o chassi com este teclado, fazendo com que sua mão direita toque esporadicamente na parte superior direita do teclado, fazendo com que ele mova o cursor. Isso resolveria muitos problemas se fosse centralizado com as teclas barra de espaços / g & h.
- Onde estão as chaves de casa e fim?
- o maior e mais chato problema que eu não acho que eu possa viver é a não apenas pequena tecla inferior Ctrl esquerda, mas o fato de que ela mudou com a tecla FN. Quem no mundo precisa da chave FN mais próxima do centro do teclado?
A partir do aplicativo de sinapse do Razer, parece que não posso reativar a tecla FN. Idealmente, eu estava olhando para simplesmente trocar os binds na tecla FN & Ctrl, mas não parece possível através da aplicação. Existe alguma maneira de substituir isso para que eu possa concluir isso? A tecla ctrl sendo tão pequena e distante de qualquer outra coisa torna quase impossível usar muitas macros com essa chave.
Toda e qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.
nice, congratulations
How worthwhile would it be to redo all these tests with external monitors plugged in for diagnosing the blades hardware?
How worthwhile would it be to redo all these tests with external monitors plugged in for diagnosing the blades hardware?
Performance results would be around same, but Fans noise on
idle may be slightly higher since DP and HDMI connection is to dgpu that increase fans activity compared to without. Other things that worth is maybe making sure that the ports has no issues, which i don’t see yet on Blade laptops.
maybe I spoke too soon Dx
maybe I spoke too soon Dx

Take a look at average the right one and current thermal, the difference between each cores isn’t too big which is good at least, if the difference is like 10 degrees it means the sink isn’t flat or there’s gaps to cool the cpu good enough, and your average is actually max 84 which is also not bad. I think it’s gaming mode, using gaming mode it boost the cpu to its max. Intel cpu max temperature is actually 100 until the system shut itself off for safety, but spiking to such areas in long time usage isn’t great, on that apps/game!you i would use balanced performance profile or undervolting it to keep in 80ish area. I can even spike my 8750H to 100 if I want, by playing long session far cry 5 without undervolting in gaming mode and Turbo Boost on;)
No huge difference between your 2080 and my 1070

At least not worth the money to upgrad imho!
No huge difference between your 2080 and my 1070 😜 At least not worth the money to upgrad imho! ;)
I didnt buy it to maximize the value of a 3DMark score lol, but thanks for your input?
No huge difference between your 2080 and my 1070 😜 At least not worth the money to upgrad imho! ;)
It’s stock no software and hardware tweaking like yours lol, an it’s almost 2K overall scores different. After 2 3 months he’ll know undervolting repasting and overclocking and separate way bigger.
Here’s your comparison with undervolting and overclocking, I’m still on default factory paste though, maybe later I’ll do kryonaut like you. Btw it’s last year benchmark how is it today, can you rerun again?
Lower OV on GPU and lower CPU speed (limited); had no time and patience to do any finetuning. Still well over 17k and as cool me. ;)
Just wanted to point out, that it is not worth the money if you have a well running 1070 that you dont need to spend an extra few thousand bucks to get the 2080. But thats OT, i know!