Restart/Boot Loop on all Razer Blades | Razer Insider
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For those who have issues with Razer Blade takes time to Boot, Restarts Several Times before Booting, Time & Date are not up-to-date, & Bios Settings keep reverting back to default settings.

This is commonly caused by our CMOS Battery, some laptops use CMOS battery, Coin cell Battery, or Wristwatch battery. however other Manufacturers don't use CMOS batteries.

To fix it, you can buy CMOS Battery, you have to open the laptop and check which type.

as far as my Razer Blade uses it is CR1220 / ML1220 Coin Cell Battery.

You can purchase it online that has a wire directly, or you can peel the plastic and remove the connector for negative, and positive terminals and place the new battery. make sure to check the negative & positive on the battery. there are several youtube video tutorials regarding CMOS batteries.

See attached CMOS battery this can be purchased online or at any Computer Shop, make sure to select the correct size. however, you can still use any Big or Small CMOS Battery 100% Safe CR/ML Coding or Numbering is just for Battery Sizing & Capacity.

the CR2032 has 1037 MAH

the CR/ML 1220 has only 37 MAH I installed the CR2032 it has the most capacity less likely to run out of battery.

100% Safe Check this video: CMOS battery hack | Laptop CMOS battery - YouTube

What I used is a CR2032 Battery which is 4x bigger than the CR1220 it has more Capacity than the CR/ML 1220 Battery. after fixing it works like a Charm