Sourcing a US Keyboard Layout Razer Blade 17" 2022 model while living in the UK | Razer Insider
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Hi all,

I'm very much hoping my next question (underneath the intro paragraph) can be answered by anyone officially affiliated with Razer, or perhaps anyone with experience.

Intro: I'm a prospective RB 17 buyer living in London, I'm specifically after the 2022 3070ti QHD 240hz model with the core i7. I've visited the store front, tried out the blade in person, and loved every aspect of it except for one well-known flaw: All UK layout RBs that are not base models (as base models don't have per-key lighting) have the secondary function symbols on those keys totally unlit. While some would be totally fine with this, I personally find it unacceptable to go from a RB 19 base model (with all the keys lit properly) to dropping approx 3.5k on a new product with an overall inferior experience. It would make it very annoying to use in any low light situation, having to guess or try to memorize which key controls brightness, volume etc. I've seen countless threads here and on reddit created by utterly bewildered buyers (or simply desirers) living outside of the US expressing their frustration. Now I'm not trying to understand the reason for the flaw as much as bypass it entirely.

Question: How best can I go about sourcing the above model RB with the US keyboard layout? Could it be as simple as purchasing it through (as opposed to the variant) or another third party seller like Is there a Razer representative that I could write to in order to start a dialogue leading to an eventual purchase?

Would very much appreciate some guidance, thanks in advance.