Known Issues | Razer Insider

Known Issues

  • 21 July 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 7

Known Issues


During the Beta for the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Chroma. You may encounter issues during your usage of the applications. We'll keep a list of known issues in the current build of the beta applications. This page will be updated frequently.



General Troubleshooting


I have run into an issue while using the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Chroma. What are some general steps I can do to possibly perform a recovery?

If you run into a bug or issue during your usage of the Beta Software, you may try one of the following steps to resolve your issue.

  1. Refresh your current page
  2. Exit both applications and relaunch them
  3. Restart your PC/Laptop

Issues may or may not be resolved using the above methods. We encourage all users to use the feedback system found by clicking on your profile picture to submit the issue for investigation.


My Wireless Devices temporarily disappears from the Razer Synapse Beta/Razer Chroma when waking up the device.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming update. The issue should resolve itself by giving the application some time to confirm the presence of the device.


My key remappings are not working on my game-linked profile, the default function of the key is not working while out of game.

To avoid this issue, the default profile of your devices should not be linked to any games. Please create additional profiles for linking with games.


My devices stay stuck on Chroma-integrated Games lighting effects after exiting the game.

You can restart the application to return your devices to their default lighting effects. Alternatively, you can unplug and replug the affected devices.


My On-board Memory profiles from Razer Synapse 3 are not accessible in the Razer Synapse Beta.

Compatibility support for profiles created in Razer Synapse 3 are currently not available.


My On-board Memory profiles made in the Razer Synapse Beta are not functional in Razer Synapse 3.

Backward compatibility of device Profiles to Razer Synapse 3 are currently not available.


My device profiles are not synced between the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Synapse 3 while logged in via the same Razer ID.

There are no plans to support cloud sync between the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Synapse 3. When the Beta period is over, a profile migration exercise will be performed for all users.


My Chroma Studio profiles from Razer Synapse 3 cannot be imported into the Razer Chroma app.

Support for Chroma Studio Profile imports will be implemented in a future update.


My Macro assignments are not fully working on the Macro tab.

Macro assignments via the Macro tab are currently not working.


My devices have disappeared after switching between my Razer ID account and guest account.

To avoid this issue, refrain from constantly switching between guest accounts and logged-in Razer ID accounts. Try exiting and restarting the applications to recover from this issue.


My device profiles from Razer Synapse 3 do not work when imported into the Razer Synapse Beta.

Compatibility support for profiles created in Razer Synapse 3 are currently not available.


My exported keyboard profiles are not working correctly when importing the profile to a different keyboard of a different size/layout.

Please avoid exporting and importing profiles across different keyboards of differing sizes.


My key remappings functionality is working after making a change but the screen shows that it is not updated.

Please use the refresh button located in the top left corner to reload the page in order to update to the correct display.


The Razer Synapse Beta does not minimize to system tray whenever I start up my PC even though I had saved it in my settings

This feature has yet to be implemented.


Can I return to using Razer Synapse 3?

Yes, we recommend uninstalling the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Chroma Beta completely before reinstalling Razer Synapse 3.


I am unable to reinstall Razer Synapse 3 by utilizing my installed Razer Cortex to launch the installer.

Please launch the installer by running the Light-weight Installer available from the Razer Synapse 3 web page.


I am encountering a "No Internet Connection" page when utilizing the Razer Synapse Beta.

Please ensure that you are connected to the internet when launching the applications. You can exit both applications and relaunch them when you encounter this page.


Clicking "Retry" on a "No Internet Connection" page while in Offline mode causes the Razer Synapse Beta to crash.

To avoid encountering this issue, please ensure that you are connected to the internet when using the applications.


The order of my device list on the Dashboard does not match the order on the side panel.

To avoid encountering this issue, please ensure that you are connected to the internet when using the applications.


Game Manager Service 3 gets uninstalled when I uninstall Razer Cortex even though the Razer Synapse Beta is still running.

If you encounter this issue, please uninstall, and reinstall the Razer Synapse Beta.


Linked Game Profiles do not switch automatically when I switch between different active games.

This feature currently works when you are launching and exiting a single game. Switching between multiple active game windows has yet to be implemented.


Scanning for games in Linked Games appear to be scanning indefinitely.

This issue occurs when Game Manager Service 3 process is terminated and fails to automatically restart. You may exit both applications and relaunch them to recover from this issue.


I have found a bug for a device that appears in a non-US device, but the bug does not appear in the US version of the device.

The US version of the devices is the primary version that is being worked on. Differences between the versions may cause bugs to appear, please assist in flagging such bugs found for fixing.


The Razer Synapse Beta appears in screen split orientation when closing and exiting the application.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming update.


The Razer Synapse Beta does not remember my active profile when I log out of my Razer ID account and sign back it, it defaults to the first profile available for the device.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming update.


The Razer Synapse Beta requires multiple consecutive updates when a new release is available.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming update.


After uninstalling the Razer Synapse Beta, attempting to modify Razer Cortex via Control Panel launches an installer with the Razer Synapse Beta and Razer Cortex as the only application options.

This issue will be resolved when the Razer Synapse Beta officially launches, and all Razer software will be available in a single installer. For the time being, please use the latest installer available on Razer’s website to modify or uninstall other Razer software.


The characters output by key remappings and macros do not match the characters on my keyboard.

Synapse records keyboard input via its positional value and will output based the current system keyboard setting. To utilize characters of a different language, you should use the "Text Output" function to save the exact text value you wish to output. 


On-the-fly Sensitivity function is currently not working, the DPI setting of my mouse remains unchanged when the button is held down and the scroll wheel is moved.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming update. Please use the Configuration tab in the Razer Synapse for DPI adjustments.

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