Orochi Bluetooth and Synapse Not Starting Minimized | Razer Insider

Orochi Bluetooth and Synapse Not Starting Minimized

  • 30 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 7

Hey Testers!

A few updates:

For those having issues with Synapse not starting minimized, we are aware of this issue and have a solution planned for a future release but cannot guarantee it’ll be part of the next push.

For Orochi owners, the polling rate option should not be available when connected via Bluetooth. We are actively working on this issue. As for the battery indicator not showing when Synapse is open and only showing in the system tray, we have a fix planned for the next release but again it may not make it in the next build, itself. 

Thank you all for your participation. Please keep up the good work! 

1 Reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Nice, waiting for the next update ;)
