I'm so sorry but I'm not so used to Virtual Sorround, so I have a question. I post it here cause it is not a technical problem.
I have Nari headset. Wonderful headset and all works good. I'm using Synapse 3 cause Nari are supported.
My question is very simple:
Usually I do not activate spatial sound (Sorround or THX).
In case I want to try a game using Sorround or THX, the game has to be comply to that?
For example.
I'm starting Heavy Rain (Epic Store - PC).
In the audio option there is the possibility to set audio stereo or sorround.
In a game that has not this option (so it has been made to manage stereo audio only) will sorround works or activating it in Synapse will have not effect in game?
So: enabling virtual sorround in Razer software will force the audio of the game to do so also if the game is stereo audio only? Or I have to enable sorround in Synapse and ALSO in the game? o_O
A long post for a simple question... but my english is another issue... :eek_:

🇺🇸Thank You so Much my Dear Friends🇺🇸