So I currently am rocking a Razor Kraken V2 and at boot my dicord app makes a loud crackling static noise at first boot. I know it is something going on in between discord, Windows 10, Razor synapse because once I close Discord it stops. When I boot with my headphones unplugged but my speakers set as default it doesn't do it. I believe its a driver conflict in between all three systems.
I have found a solution to my problem. So in Windows goto sound settings>Playback>Right click the sound device you use>Properties>Spatial Sound> Check the box "Turn on 7.1 Virtual surround sound".

Alot of my friends have Razor headphones and this has also work for them.
The only time it didn't is my friend that had a V1 Kraken. And to solve it you follow the steps above in addition to going to Discord>User settings>Voice & Video> Audio Subsystem and changing it from standard to legacy.

Hope this helps with anyone with the same issue