razer black widow v3 pro doouble typing | Razer Insider
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razer black widow v3 pro doouble typing

greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
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29 Replies

i have the same issue with my brand new black widow v3 pro also. Except mines seems to favor the m key.. not always... and it seems to be a pain in the arse when playing games.. (only just built the pc, and subnautica keeps stopping forward motion at random intervals.. so i assume its disconnecting and reconnecting. I have the keyboard and mouse connected to a single high speed dongle, and a razer nari ultimate headset connected to another. So far.. not terribly impressed... the nari wont update... but tells me it needs to. Issues with the keyboard (double typing and losing connection) and the mouse (death adder pro v2) also seems to disconnect from time to time. I purchased this lot to replace my old black window chroma (usb), deather adder chroma usb and the kraken chroma... which had all been faultless (aside from the kraken ear cups have disintegrated after 4 years and very little use.. I'mm monitoring the situation and will get in touch with razer as see how it goes... if theres no joy.. it will most certainly be returned as not fit for purpose.

  • 7019 replies
  • July 28, 2022
greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Have you try to exit Synapse (right click on Razer Central icon in windows tray, exit all apps)? Or check it on another PC without installing Synapse.

  • 1 reply
  • August 3, 2022
I have the esame probleem for me it's the leetteer E and some othere on numpad. Notice how I am not removing the e E's in this post just to show you what the problem is. I alreeady exited all Razere apps but it keeps doing this trash. I just bought this keyboard and I am geteting sick of it. I already installed a manual update for this keyboard.

  • Insider Mini
  • 6 replies
  • August 4, 2022
Hello, im having the same issue with my blackwidow v3 PRO its connected with its USB cable, mostly "L" and "I" letters have this issue aswell as some numpad numbers.

Has anyone tried a firmware update to correct this? I'm having this trouble on my mac as well.

  • Insider Mini
  • 6 replies
  • August 25, 2022
Has anyone tried a firmware update to correct this? I'm having this trouble on my mac as well.
Sadly that wont work because there are no new firmware updates provided by razer for it...

  • 55 replies
  • August 26, 2022
New greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless.

  • 7019 replies
  • August 30, 2022
New greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless.
If it does the same thing on other PC/without Synapse - RMA.

greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Me too bro i just got this keyboard for 250$ 2 days ago and it has this double typing problem, its messing up my buys on csgo when for example i try to buy ak47 it buys me a shotgun after because the "2" button double type... Any soltution to that ? Many keys are double typing its really frustrating this was by far the worst purchase ever, i will never buy a razer product again

  • Insider Mini
  • 6 replies
  • September 1, 2022
for me its the last Razer item im buying. Razer aint no longer what it used to be...

I have the same issue, in my blackwidows v3 usually is letter c, number 7 and other keys that I'm not remember now. Is very annoying.

I have the same issues. For example,, (did you see the double commas? I only type once.)If i try to type a bunch of 12, let's see: 121121212121212121212121212112121212121121212112121212121212 There are a few 112 showing up. When I typed a simple ip address: Sometimes it gave me "1192.168.0.0" it is so annoying. I hope there a way to fix it.

Has anyone tried a firmware update to correct this? I'm having this trouble on my mac as well.
I've tried EVERYTHING and still end up running into these same problems with all of the razer peripherals I own, not just the BlackWidow Pro Wireless. Although, the last few months I have been using the Razer Turret for Xbox One combo (on my PC) and haven't noticed the double letters or the problem where my last keystroke behaves as though i'm still holding it "downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"... I performed a firmware update, peripheral reset, razer synapse complete uninstall & reinstall, completely erased windows for a clean windows installation on my PC, then gave up on using the Black Widow Pro Wireless when my mother came to me with my previous model (corded version of Black Widow Pro), and told me she didn't want to use this piece of crappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. hahaha. I can only assume it was a problem with the Black Widow Pro software &/or Synapse itself (regardless of corded or wireless). My current setup with the Turret combo has this problem where it keeps dropping connection while running wirelessly, despite applying the firmware updates to supposedly correct said problem. Both the mouse and keyboard drop connection for approx 1 to 6 seconds at a time with each drop. Incredibly frustrating, more so than the incredulous weight of the whole product... feels like I'm picking up a plate at the gym whenever I have to move this stout keyboard.

for me its the last Razer item im buying. Razer aint no longer what it used to be...
I will no longer be purchasing razer products due to all the dealbreaking problems associated with every peripheral and accessory I've purchased from them in the last two years... I wish I could just return it all and go with logitech's new gaming equipment. Razer Blade Pro 17, multiple keyboards & mice, pro headset, pro cam & the kiyo with light ring built in, lightening dock, leviathan speaker w/ sub... i was eventually going to purchase their expensive monitor for the desktop I've built, but too many constant "Lemons" for two years straight. Jumped off the fanboy train for the life of a Razer heretic wielding similar accessories of various origins for significantly lower prices.

+1 to the issue with BlackWidow V3 PRO. The issue exists in both wired and wireless modes. It appeared after six months of light usage.

I have the esame probleem for me it's the leetteer E and some othere on numpad. Notice how I am not removing the e E's in this post just to show you what the problem is. I alreeady exited all Razere apps but it keeps doing this trash. I just bought this keyboard and I am geteting sick of it. I already installed a manual update for this keyboard.
I have the same problem here, also with the E key. I cleaned my keyboard (Razer Blackwidow Essential) and the problem was solved. After a day, the problem reoccurred. I think it could be dirt or some other physical problem even in the switches.

You could prob fix yours like I did with mine. I poured isopropyl alcohol 99% into the switches that gave me double key presses and it seems to have fixed the issue. Not sure if this is temp or permanent but I do have a near full bottle omegle with no other use for it so if I keep getting the double presses, I'll keep pouring. Just make sure to get actual 99%. Nothing lower

  • 1 reply
  • October 15, 2022
greetings! i come here in hopes that someone might know a fix foor a double typing keyboard. for some reason its only the "o" key that seems too double type. ive cleaned the keyboard, cleaned the switch, made sure the keyboard wasnt low on power, moved the wireless dongle adapter thing to other usb ports and it always seems to doouble type regardless. does anyone here know of a way too fix it? foor the sake of example, ive left all the mistakes and misspellings in here invoolving the "o" key to show how it double types. thank you for your time and i hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Firmware update worked for me ;)

Firmware did not work for me. I still have the same problem. I'm about to just return this to Amazon. Wish I'd seen these threads and form before I spent $200. Luckily it's just my Z key. *********************FIXED***************** So, found a video on YouTube. After all the threads I read, and firmware and drivers and software replace/update.... solution was 99% alcohol! Used a syringe and POURED the switch full of alcohol. Of course, power off and keyboard switched to off…. But then while the switch was swimming, I spammed the offending “z” key over and over. Then Let my keyboard sit till I was sure the alcohol evaporated 100%. And POOF issue gone. It was a dirty switch….on a brand new keyboard! Not sure how these get by QA. For $200, we should not have to be cleaning keyboards like this BUT it worked! I was all set to return my Key board to.

  • Insider Mini
  • 1 reply
  • October 26, 2022
I had this problem for the last week++. I finally found out in the windows 11 keyboard setting (repeat rate) was maxed out. I never did that, that may be Synapse or any of the windows update that is messing with this setting. Anyway everything is perfect now. p.s. I put the slider for this setting in the middle

Firmware Update = WORKED FOR ME! https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4166 1.00.05 ---> 3.01.01

+1, I have the same issue.

+1, I have the same issue.
So, it is BS but this is the fix bro. Shut off your PC. Turn off the keyboard. Us 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. I bought mine at AMAZON. Use a small syringe that is disposable. Squirt the alcohol into the switch(s) causing the issue, then tap tap tap tap... work that switch nice and good. Do this a time or 2. Allow PLENTY of time for the 99% alcohol to evaporate off. THIS seems to be the most common fix. The switches are getting dirty somehow during assembly and QA is not testing these keyboards before they ship out. My issue with my Z key has NEVER returned since I cleaned the switch. Good Luck.

  • 1 reply
  • January 23, 2023
I had this problem for the last week++. I finally found out in the windows 11 keyboard setting (repeat rate) was maxed out. I never did that, that may be Synapse or any of the windows update that is messing with this setting. Anyway everything is perfect now. p.s. I put the slider for this setting in the middle
this helped me so much! just a nice bump for anyone still suffering from this ^_^

So I’ve exhausted all my options and basically RMA’ed the keyboard. We’ll see if this changes with the new device


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