Barracuda X 2022 disconnecting from dongle | Razer Insider

Barracuda X 2022 disconnecting from dongle

Userlevel 2


I recently got a pair of Razer Barracuda X (2022) headset and had trouble with the dongle connection. It kept disconnecting and not wanting to connect back unless i unplugged and plugged the dongle a few times and turned the headset off and on a few times. Thought it was a problem with just my pair as the reviews for the headset were good so i returned them and got another pair. This one has almost the same issues. Not as bad tho. For example when i play PUBG, the sound randomly gets completly cut off and i can’t hear anything and it doesn’t come back unless i unplug and plug the dongle back and restart the headset. This takes about 20-30 sec which are crucial for not dying in the game. I tried almost every fix i could find online. I even disabled all other sound output devices. I had the 2021 version before and they worked perfectly, but i decided to get the 2022 version cause they had bluetooth. Never expected the dongle connection would have so many issues. Or maybe i need to change more settings? I never had an issue with the 2021 ones. Anyone has any idea how to fix this?

thank you!

41 Replies

I mean the application for 7.1

I am coming back to comment on something that seems to have solved my problem.

I actually did several things:

1- Delete completly sorround sound on my pc.

2- I deleted the barracuda drivers in the device manager.

3- I re-installed the barracuda drivers (they are the automatic ones when you connect the dongle).

4- I reinstalled sorround sound

5- Do not change any of the devices that are installed, do not disable microphones or anything else, leave them there and just do not use them.

6- I changed the usb port of the dongle.

3- I put the emitter literally in front of me next to the keyboard using the extension cable.

This partially solved my problem

Now it keeps turning off but when I put something to play it turns on after a second.

(sometimes it stays on low volume and I have to turn the volume up and down in Windows and it fixes it).

I hope this helps.

what’s “sorround sound”???

Updating the chipset driver was the solution for me.

I am coming back to comment on something that seems to have solved my problem.

I actually did several things:

1- Delete completly sorround sound on my pc.

2- I deleted the barracuda drivers in the device manager.

3- I re-installed the barracuda drivers (they are the automatic ones when you connect the dongle).

4- I reinstalled sorround sound

5- Do not change any of the devices that are installed, do not disable microphones or anything else, leave them there and just do not use them.

6- I changed the usb port of the dongle.

3- I put the emitter literally in front of me next to the keyboard using the extension cable.

This partially solved my problem

Now it keeps turning off but when I put something to play it turns on after a second.

(sometimes it stays on low volume and I have to turn the volume up and down in Windows and it fixes it).

I hope this helps.

I followed steps 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the problem seems to have disappeared. I think that the drivers for surround sound may be causing some interference with the proper functionality.


What If NVIDIA Audio Has SomeThing To Do With That Issue 🤔 I Changed Now In 7.1 SurRound Sound My HeadSet To Speakers And The HeadSet Just DisAppeared lol. ReInstall Changed Nothing, AlThough Windows Audio Service Was ReStarted On New Installation. I UnPlugged The Dongle And Plugged It Again, But Now HeadSet Think That It’s Connected To PC 🤣Even HUD Comes Up, But No Audio 🤷‍♂️ WTF

I am coming back to comment on something that seems to have solved my problem.

I actually did several things:

1- Delete completly sorround sound on my pc.

2- I deleted the barracuda drivers in the device manager.

3- I re-installed the barracuda drivers (they are the automatic ones when you connect the dongle).

4- I reinstalled sorround sound

5- Do not change any of the devices that are installed, do not disable microphones or anything else, leave them there and just do not use them.

6- I changed the usb port of the dongle.

3- I put the emitter literally in front of me next to the keyboard using the extension cable.

This partially solved my problem

Now it keeps turning off but when I put something to play it turns on after a second.

(sometimes it stays on low volume and I have to turn the volume up and down in Windows and it fixes it).

I hope this helps.

Dear gaming geeks the issue with the infamous pair of razer barracuda 2022, is likewise nonother than the renowned frequency ,you know ,it says right on the box about it (2.4hz) ,your pc might spit some frequencies here and there that will cause either stutters and crackling in your headphones wich might be unpleasant but ,something interesting about frequencies is the heat, kinda weird to hear but yeah its true basically when the temperature increases, the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the electron decreases, on short when the higer the temperature the higher the frequency. As a problem solver I suggest keep your pc well cooled and keep the dongle away from heat and frequencies as i may say here as always im pleased to help you all ,if the problem persists i suggest updating the bios and maybe update your drivers and check of any other outdated apps in the background that might eat up your pc in time , farewell geeks hope the solution fixed your problem if not dont blame me :).


same problem with dongle!

I found three different type of issue:

1- randomly when I turn on the headset i can hear a cracking noise and i can’t hear PC audio. I can solve this switching Windows spatial audio on\off. This somethimes it works for all my game session (or wathever I’m doing) somtehtimes not, i.e. after i finish to whach a video the cracking starts again  and i need to switch on\off spatial audio to continue to hear.

2- headset lost connection with dongle and I can hear the voice “pairing” but never pair till i plug off and plug in the dongle

3- headset turns off

more in general issues 2 and 3 are more rare and usually happens after issue 1.

Till now never happen that these issues coming when there is audio on headphone. 

As workaround I start a music and after that turn on the headset… seems to work since now...

I hope that these info helps to solve the problem in the next fw update!


Note: my headset is barracuda x 2022 fw v1.6.0_r1 stock

I never use bluethot mode

Dear gaming geeks the issue with the infamous pair of razer barracuda 2022, is likewise nonother than the renowned frequency ,you know ,it says right on the box about it (2.4hz) ,your pc might spit some frequencies here and there that will cause either stutters and crackling in your headphones wich might be unpleasant but ,something interesting about frequencies is the heat, kinda weird to hear but yeah its true basically when the temperature increases, the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the electron decreases, on short when the higer the temperature the higher the frequency. As a problem solver I suggest keep your pc well cooled and keep the dongle away from heat and frequencies as i may say here as always im pleased to help you all ,if the problem persists i suggest updating the bios and maybe update your drivers and check of any other outdated apps in the background that might eat up your pc in time , farewell geeks hope the solution fixed your problem if not dont blame me :).

with all due respect,


Same problem here 2024

I have not been able to find a solution, the only thing that prevents it from turning off/disconnecting in my case is to keep something always playing, for example music. 



my headset was shutting off while playing pubg.. i bought a new computer and its not happening anymore (really weird)  

try updating your bios and audio drivers on intell.


I am using now on a bluetooth connection, i dont see any issue now on a headset automatically shutting off when no sounds detected. Running on windows 11 pro.

Tried with Razer Support, but they kept sending me templated emails and ofc didn’t help at all. Obviously they also have no idea how to fix that problem, which is kinda idiotic. I’m so sad that they make such a nice headset but can’t make it work properly. Hope they will release a firmware update with a fix ASAP!

same issue it shutoff the headset if they not playing any sound on the headset.

Anyone found a solution to this? Mine only has a disconnection issue when playing PUBG. All other games and applications are fine. 


I applied the recent update to the headset but still same issue.

Have the same problem since the first minute.


Firmware is up to date. The automatic shutdown is set to “Never” in the mobile app.


The headset keeps switching off 20 secs after there is anything played in it without hearing the female voice that says “Power off”. It also switches off when I quit a game (close the app) and go to Chrome for example. 


The headset is connected to the PC via the extender cable that came with it to a USB 3.0 port. I have no external hdd connected to the PC.


I use Windows 11 Pro. Also I had to disable all my output sound devices, because every time the headset switches off by itself the default output device goes to the next one in the list.

Even updating to 1.6.0 does not solve the problem

Hello, goog news, problems solved, it is necessary to upgrade FW...Razer Barracuda X (2022) - upgrade FW 😉

anyone have find a solution for it? my headset still stopping working when playing pubg

I got the exact same problem with my barracuda X 2022. 

I have done everything of the above, but nothing seems to work. 


let’s make some survey (while razer ignores the problem).

Does anyone faces the disconnection while playing PUBG? Or other games too?

do you use SteelSeries GG?

My answers are: yes, no, yes

1. didn’t play pubg 

2. disconnect every 5-10 minutes even watching youtube 

3. ​​​​​​​No

I’ve tried another pc that’s windows 10 and without 7.1 surround. It doesn’t happen. 
however, it happened even i delete the 7.1 surround on windows 11. 


let’s make some survey (while razer ignores the problem).

Does anyone faces the disconnection while playing PUBG? Or other games too?

do you use SteelSeries GG?

My answers are: yes, no, yes

Same issue here.


Had a 2021 version which worked well and not once disconnected. Had to get it replaced due to the microphone eventually failing. Was initially very happy Razer sent me out a 2022 version as replacement, but it's been nothing but issues while playing PUBG. Random disconnections without any reason. Doesn't seem like there is anything specific that triggers it. The only fix is to unplug and plug the dongle back in.

It only disconnects while playing PUBG on 2.4ghz, which is odd. All other games, YouTube, Netflix, etc... work fine for hours without disconnecting. 

I also find this 2022 version to be a bit quieter than the 2021. The 2021 I was able to play at 50% comfortably and even at that volume was sometimes too loud. With the 2022 I am playing at 70% volume and sometimes up to 75%.

This is my second 2022 version because initially Razer thought the dongle was defective due to the disconnections, but the replacement is the same.


Anyone on here have a solution for the PUBG random disconnections?

It doing the same thing on my PlayStation 5 it's pissing me off

Same issue here.


Had a 2021 version which worked well and not once disconnected. Had to get it replaced due to the microphone eventually failing. Was initially very happy Razer sent me out a 2022 version as replacement, but it's been nothing but issues while playing PUBG. Random disconnections without any reason. Doesn't seem like there is anything specific that triggers it. The only fix is to unplug and plug the dongle back in.

It only disconnects while playing PUBG on 2.4ghz, which is odd. All other games, YouTube, Netflix, etc... work fine for hours without disconnecting. 

I also find this 2022 version to be a bit quieter than the 2021. The 2021 I was able to play at 50% comfortably and even at that volume was sometimes too loud. With the 2022 I am playing at 70% volume and sometimes up to 75%.

This is my second 2022 version because initially Razer thought the dongle was defective due to the disconnections, but the replacement is the same.


Anyone on here have a solution for the PUBG random disconnections?

Same problem. Tried to connect with usb2.0 extend cable, disable and separate with usb3.0 port, disable all the audio output devices. Still can’t fix it. Seems it’s not the interference problem. Just using 3.5 jack for gaming now. When will Razer update the drivers or firmware
