I have rz04 0148 0100r3ui its a wireless man of war, its Stange that i found interesting upgrades | Razer Insider

I have rz04 0148 0100r3ui its a wireless man of war, its Stange that i found interesting upgrades

  • 27 February 2023
  • 0 replies

years later that suggest I wasn't getting all i  could get from these awesome headphones. but after downloading alot of Razer software which i can say im not a huge fan of all of them running now have 15 days to either bay for something that i was led to believe would be razer showing why what they offer is a step above, but i refuse to pay to have what i thought already with the old software, help me so i can help you., should i not have embarked on this quest or will you just aid me upping my game with your amazing hardware. (unlike the trinity)

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