Leviathan V2 X Linux | Razer Insider

Leviathan V2 X Linux

  • 21 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Guys, the question is: are there any drivers for the Razer leviathan v2x on a Linux system? I installed the system and the sound is not regulated, only if the sound is completely turned off, otherwise it is not configured.

2 Replies

Razer provides a Linux driver for the Leviathan v2x on their website, which may be compatible with your system. However, it's important to note that Linux compatibility can be a bit hit-or-miss with some hardware, and there's always a chance that the driver may not work as expected.

Userlevel 7
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Razer provides a Linux driver for the Leviathan v2x on their website, which may be compatible with your system. However, it's important to note that Linux compatibility can be a bit hit-or-miss with some hardware, and there's always a chance that the driver may not work as expected.

Nope. Razer doesn’t provide any Linux drivers.

