Razer Nari Ultimate disappear from output device list when join a discord call | Razer Insider
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Hi! Today for the first time I have this issue, once I join a discord voice channel my headset start to disconnecting and reconnecting costantly, if I open my list where I can see all my output  audio device connected to me pc, on my screen I can see my headset  will disconnect and reconnect costantly, this issue stop once I leave the voice chat, I don’t have any other headset to test if it is an issue that only occurs with my Razer Headset, but this thing is driving me crazy xD

I hope you guys can help me

ps: I noticed that this issue occurs only when I receive audio input from other users, if i join a voice channel and nobody speak, my headset will have no issue

also i noticed that after disconnecting 3 / 4 times, the headset will work normally, but after some minutes they might have again this issue

