THX Spatial Audio causing Windows audio device graph isolation to use alot of CPU | Razer Insider
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THX Spatial Audio causing Windows audio device graph isolation to use alot of CPU

  • 27 February 2023
  • 5 replies

Hi guys! Hi Razer team! So, as the title suggest, THX Spatial Audio has a CPU problem, a very old problem it seams.

i found a work around: go to Task Manager → Services an then restart the Windows Audio service. After the restart everything is working as intended.

Razer, I know you have a lot to do, but would you be so kind to tell who is the culprit? Or at least why is this happening so we can find a more permament solution? Thanks :)

Even the 7.1 Surround sound does that. I made a forum too. I will try service restart next time.


Even the 7.1 Surround sound does that. I made a forum too. I will try service restart next time.


It worked for me when I used the 7.1 Sorround Sound back then.

This problem would not even allow me to play youtube or load a game like rdr2 rp via redm….after seeing you mention T.H.X. I typed storage in my windows browser and deleted THX and boom my headset started working. and everything started playing and windows device graph issue no longer takes up 15% cpu and stops programs from working that uses audio. (4/29/24)


Hi Razor, just reinstalled Spacial, on a 12700K, idle usage has gone from 2% to 11%. 

This is ridiculous, posting on your community site opposed to board so hopefully something may get done.

This problem seems to be long standing and cant understand why it is still an issue. 

Any support in this would be greatly appreciated to me any pretty much every customer you have that utilise this software. 

I have zero interest in closing programs and application on start up etc. 

Has something changed in the RAZER software recently???

I have an AMD 7900x on an Asus x670e and recently my idle temps have jumped by 10 to 15 C. I have Synapse and THX spatial installed and the issue seems to be with your software. 

Choosing the “repair” option when uninstalling RAZER fixes the issue sort term 

Restarting “Windows Audio Service” as suggested in the various threads on this topic is also a short term fix. 


Is there a proper permanent solution to this issue? 
