Unable to switch between devices when the Bluetooth source is connected | Razer Insider
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Hi all,

I just bought a “Razer BlackShark V2 Pro Wireless Gaming Headset 2023 Edition” and I am facing a challenge while trying to switch between two different sources.

According to the documentation, switching between audio sources is just a double press on the EQ button which should alternate between each source automatically


What I am seeing however is that when a Bluetooth source is connected, the switch button simply does not do anything unless I forcibly disable Bluetooth from my device first.

I do not understand why this is happening because the manual does not make any references to this, and it is quite annoying.


Steps to reproduce :

  1. Configure the headset with two sources

Device 1 : Windows 10 using the wireless dongle

Device 2 : A device with Bluetooth (in my case, a MacBook Pro)


  1. Set Bluetooth as the active source
  2. Try to switch the source back to use the dongle

Expected: As per the manual, it switches back and forth every time that the “EQ” button is double pressed

Actual : No matter how many times I double-pressed, the switch back to Windows never happens. The only way to allow me to go back to Windows is to first disable Bluetooth in my Mac.


Another behavior that is unexpected is that if I connect to Bluetooth manually from the Mac settings, it seems impossible to switch back to the dongle no matter how many times I press on the switch option from the physical button.  The only way to switch back is to do the same and turn off Bluetooth from my Mac.

Interestingly enough, this does not happen when I use Windows and an Android phone for the secondary source.


This is very inconvenient because I have other devices connected to my Mac via Bluetooth, and trustfully, the main reason I ordered this headset is because it promises easy switch between devices. I also could not find any references in the manual to suggest that this is the expected behavior.


If it helps, I am using Windows 10 along with macOS Ventura  13.6.2, and I have the latest version of the firmware

Any insights would be helpful


Glad to see this thread, I can’t find anything on this. 

Mine behaves in a similar way, but is a bit more frustrating. It definitely will not switch when the bluetooth device is connected. But even after the BT device is off it still won’t. It will say it’s switching to hyperspeed wireless, but it just flashes and swaps back to looking for BT.

Sometimes I have luck by disconnecting the USB device while it’s swapping, other times I just uninstall and reinstall the device with Device Manager.

In either case it is a real pain and more annoying than it needs to be.

I just bought the headset and have been having what seems to be a similar issue.

I am trying to use the headset via the USB dongle with a Nintendo Switch. I have never even connected it via bluetooth to any other device yet.

It’s nearly impossible to get it to connect at all. Every time I try, I waste 15 minutes trying and most of the time I just have to give up. I’ve only gotten it to successfully connect 4 times out of maybe 10 different days of trying, 10-15 minutes each day.

The instructions mention that the indicator light blinking green means attempting to connect to the USB dongle while blinking blue means attempting to connect over bluetooth. When I turn on the headset, it blinks green a few times, then says “pairing” and begins blinking blue. Double pressing the EQ button, it says “ hyperspeed wireless”, but the light continues to blink blue.

The best trick I could figure out to connect is if I turn on the headset first, wait about 2 seconds, then plug in the USB dongle. If I plug it in too soon or too late, it doesn’t work. It has to be timed down to the millisecond, which I can’t always reproduce.

I am so ready to return this headset and swear off anything else from Razer.

I have a similar problem
is there really no solution (((

UPDATE: It works now! 

I found this guide on how to update the firmware: https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13081

Doing so seems to have fixed my issue so far. It now immediately connects to the USB dongle when turning the headset on. Additionally, double-pressing the EQ button now immediately toggles between bluetooth and the USB dongle.


Windows is required to do this since it’s an exe. Unfortunately I only have a macbook pro, but luckily I dual boot windows so I was able to do the update. It’s still wild that this headset comes unusable off the shelf, and even worse, completely unfixable if you don’t have a Windows PC.


For reference, my headset was on 2.3.1 and the latest was 2.5.3. My dongle was on 2.1.0 and the latest was 2.2.0

UPDATE: It works now! 

I found this guide on how to update the firmware: https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13081

Doing so seems to have fixed my issue so far. It now immediately connects to the USB dongle when turning the headset on. Additionally, double-pressing the EQ button now immediately toggles between bluetooth and the USB dongle.


Windows is required to do this since it’s an exe. Unfortunately I only have a macbook pro, but luckily I dual boot windows so I was able to do the update. It’s still wild that this headset comes unusable off the shelf, and even worse, completely unfixable if you don’t have a Windows PC.


For reference, my headset was on 2.3.1 and the latest was 2.5.3. My dongle was on 2.1.0 and the latest was 2.2.0

oh man, thank you so much! In order to update, the headphones need to see the dongle, but for me they refuse to see it ( 

I just bought the headset and have been having what seems to be a similar issue.

I am trying to use the headset via the USB dongle with a Nintendo Switch. I have never even connected it via bluetooth to any other device yet.

It’s nearly impossible to get it to connect at all. Every time I try, I waste 15 minutes trying and most of the time I just have to give up. I’ve only gotten it to successfully connect 4 times out of maybe 10 different days of trying, 10-15 minutes each day.

The instructions mention that the indicator light blinking green means attempting to connect to the USB dongle while blinking blue means attempting to connect over bluetooth. When I turn on the headset, it blinks green a few times, then says “pairing” and begins blinking blue. Double pressing the EQ button, it says “ hyperspeed wireless”, but the light continues to blink blue.

The best trick I could figure out to connect is if I turn on the headset first, wait about 2 seconds, then plug in the USB dongle. If I plug it in too soon or too late, it doesn’t work. It has to be timed down to the millisecond, which I can’t always reproduce.

I am so ready to return this headset and swear off anything else from Razer.

I have the exact same problem!!!

I just bought the headset and have been having what seems to be a similar issue.

I am trying to use the headset via the USB dongle with a Nintendo Switch. I have never even connected it via bluetooth to any other device yet.

It’s nearly impossible to get it to connect at all. Every time I try, I waste 15 minutes trying and most of the time I just have to give up. I’ve only gotten it to successfully connect 4 times out of maybe 10 different days of trying, 10-15 minutes each day.

The instructions mention that the indicator light blinking green means attempting to connect to the USB dongle while blinking blue means attempting to connect over bluetooth. When I turn on the headset, it blinks green a few times, then says “pairing” and begins blinking blue. Double pressing the EQ button, it says “ hyperspeed wireless”, but the light continues to blink blue.

The best trick I could figure out to connect is if I turn on the headset first, wait about 2 seconds, then plug in the USB dongle. If I plug it in too soon or too late, it doesn’t work. It has to be timed down to the millisecond, which I can’t always reproduce.

I am so ready to return this headset and swear off anything else from Razer.

I have the exact same problem!!!

please tell me in detail step by step how to make the pairing?

Previously is working for me but today suddenly no working anymore. I have to disconnect the device in my macbook, then press twice EQ button to switch back to Hyperspeed wireless mode.

Anyone found the solution?

same problem here, everything is up to date. Cant switch between laptop with BT and PC with dongle.

Maybe I need to connect headphones first to the dongle and then BT?


Its really sad that no one from RAZER did not even comment here and try to find a solution. This post is 11 Months old and the problem still PRESIST!!!

what a shame, headset for 250Eur and only what I got is problems.

Another one is with discord, the microphone just stop working randomly… need to restart headset..


Never ever going to buy razer headset, what a trash.

I bought this “BLACK SHARK V2 PRO” in cambodia.

and there is no “SmartSwitch” button. so shock..

So I cannot access with any of my phone with Black Shark V2 Pro.

It can only access computer through PC dongle.


I can’t understand what is going on. is it fake product I bought???????
