Razer Kitty Kraken headband is peeling | Razer Insider
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So the headband of my razer kitty kraken is peeling it looks so bad, is there a way to replace them? Also the quality of this headsets it's so bad that even the painting on metal parts is peeling too. I only have one year with this headsets and they are a replacement :c

It would make sense

Razer should have replacement parts for the kitty bt v1. Now mine looks like shit. 


Think they might be same size? Sorry posted wrong link I had previously

The parts say kraken x. Will they fit the kraken kitty bt 


The part say kraken x. Will they fit kraken kitty bt 

I don't know where you went wrong there, I had a chat with them and problem was resolved,took a little while but all sorted, I did see some replacement parts online. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Replacement-Headband-Cushions-Compatible-Headphones/dp/B0BB76QGLL and also https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005310724289.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.48265b8467NN7C&browser_id=1af6ff84f17e42a181a606e0efec6197&aff_trace_key=329b087f47a04dd291c9127aa0180b74-1709366375858-06520-UneMJZVf&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=vqfngpdkcasbdyjm18f9c091a5925269c84623b612&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%213.20%211.66%21%21%213.95%212.05%21%40211b613917163097933596859e6749%2112000032629214147%21sea%21GB%210%21AB&algo_pvid=f1959357-d587-47c9-977b-fca139375d54

None of them are official though

This is exactly what’s happening with mine, and I’ve only had them 3 months with EXTREMELY light use. I can’t find a way to actually contact Razer and I’m getting to the point where I’m pretty angry.

The loop they keep you in where you click a link that says it will have an email address or a chat and then it takes you back to the same page with no email or chat is infuriating. I understand why this is done and I will likely never buy anything from Razer again if this is how things work. 

Have You found a replacement for this mine is the same

Same here, brought for partner for Christmas 2023,been used for a couple of hours on Sunday evenings, by end of February had peeled


I have barely ever worn my original pink Kitty Kraken headset--it’s mainly been ornamental and occasionally used for phone calls over a span of two years or so.  In short, this item has been treated VERY gently.  The material must be horrid quality to peel so easily.

RIP, I guess.  Will at least be able to apply the cat ears to a different product.

Mine after two years are unwatchable.     Pink leather is destroyed.

really sad….
