I bought a Blackshark V2 X and for whatever reason it doesn't register when plugged into any port on my computer, with and without the splitter. I had a USB converter from my old HyperX headset which makes it work, but means my PC and Synapse see is as a HyperX and not a Blackshark. Is there a way to get Synapse to register my Blackshark while using the HyperX converter or do I need a Razer brand USB converter?
Blackshark V2 X not showing up in Synapse
I bought a Blackshark V2 X and for whatever reason it doesn't register when plugged into any port on my computer, with and without the splitter. I had a USB converter from my old HyperX headset which makes it work, but means my PC and Synapse see is as a HyperX and not a Blackshark. Is there a way to get Synapse to register my Blackshark while using the HyperX converter or do I need a Razer brand USB converter?
i got this… https://mobdro.bio/
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