So i have been faithfully collecting silver points for the last past 9 months, playing the games on cortex, watching paid adds, participating in the forum etc EVERY SINGLE DAY to the point that i got enouth points to redeem a decent reward. You can only imagine the number of hours i spent colecting silver. i do not have much income and this was trully important for me. Every periferal i own is by razer bought at great cost ( phones, keyboard, mouse, mouse matt , sneki sneks stuff)
When i started collecting them, my country (Portugal) was a country in wich the points could be redeemed. and it was until a couple of months ago . i checked so i am preety sure.
So a few days ago i was very happy and about to redeem all those hours lost to razer´s bennefict, when i noticed Portugal was no more on the list.
I contacted the support team and theire response was to my surprise was, and i quote:
"Upon reviewing, you may refer user to Silver Terms & Conditions:
- Regions not listed are not eligible for shipping.
- For locations which are not supported currently, we will be expanding the coverage in future.
- We believe that this clarifies where necessary. Feel free to submit a new ticket if you have more questions about Razer Gold."
Yes.. This is all they had to say. I wanted to share this experience to let you all know i feel like ive been a slave for razer all these months, razer gets paid when we play those games, when we watch those adds etc. And also to let other members aware that this could happen to you with your countries . As for nowif nothing is donne i am quiting this forum and i am quiting razer brand, a brand i most loved. I own serveral things from razer and frankly i feel like ill never own a razer product again. Unless razer understands and fixes my stituation and treats me with dignity, because that response is ... unhuman. thank you all for your time.