Deathadder V2 Pro- what to troubleshoot next? | Razer Insider

Deathadder V2 Pro- what to troubleshoot next?

  • 1 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I've had my V2 Pro for over two years now and absolutely love it. But within the last 2 weeks or so, it's been slowly acting up. At first, in games my character would suddenly look up. Not a "drifting" motion, just a sharp sudden snap.

Then, my mouse pointer started jumping around, skipping, and my scroll wheel started skipping scrolls, clicking on its own, etc.

Googling and looking at threads here, I assumed it was a hardware issue, and took it apart and cleaned it. It didn't seem to work.

Just on a whim, I plugged it in to my computer with the charging cable and it seems to work better now.

I'm guessing it's a software/connection issue, instead of a hardware one. I was hoping it was hardware, because software wise I have no idea where to begin.

I've tried different ports on my PC with the dongle, that's about it. Still the same issue.

It may be interference, but my setup is the exact same as it was before this issue popped up.

Any ideas?

1 Reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

If you live in high wifi congested area then it might be interference.

You mean that on cable it works better - also for the scroll problem?
