Different color schemes | Razer Insider

Different color schemes

  • 13 March 2021
  • 7 replies

List products below that you think would be cool to have in white and pink, as well as other colors that you would like razer to make. If this gets enough traction maybe someone from razer will see it and implement it.

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7 Replies

I want Razer Iskur to be on matte gray. 💕
Razer Iskur with Quartz accent would be cute for streamers.
Userlevel 2
I want the Razer Blade 15 in white.
Hopefully I want to have Razer Kraken Kitty in white.
Userlevel 3
Blackshark V2 Pro wireless in Mercury white would be sooo cool
green ascents as part of the design on various devices. does not have to be leds but would be nice through. Maybe a rgb mic? I guess the emote is kinda like that but rgb at the base or as ascents would be SOOO nice
mousepads in white