Obtained by completing starting tasks. Getting Started (50S): Setup your location, date of birth and avatar on Insider. You can those details here. The Bird and the Snake (10S): Associate your Razer ID to your Twitter. Did we just become Best Friends? (10S): Associate your Razer ID to your Facebook.
Obtained by reading rules and certain articles on Insider. Good Citizen (5S): Visit the Community ReadMe Section, located here. Great Scouting Work! (5S): Read the Razerstore Guide, located here. Welcome to the Cult of Razer (5S): Read the Insider House Rules, located here. #ReadyToPost (5S): Read the Posting Guidelines, located here.
Obtained by posting in threads, or creating your own threads. Hello World (1S): Publish your first post. Part-time Author (25S): Publish 50 posts. Making your Mark (50S): Publish 100 posts. Insider Dissertation (100S): Publish 250 posts. Best Novel Ever (250S): Publish 500 posts. Addicted to Razer Insider (500S): Publish 1000 posts. Too Much Words, So Little Time (750S): Publish 1500 posts. Another Thousand For the Road (1000S): Publish 2000 Posts.
Obtained by achieving likes. Total number of likes received, not the number of likes achieved on a single post. Someone likes you (1S): Recieve your first like. Praise Worthy (5S): Receive 25 likes. Seriously Likeable (25S): Receive 50 likes. Don’t get Big Headed (50S): Receive 100 likes. Impressive (100S): Receive 250 likes. Raining Likes (200S): Receive 500 likes. Social Butterfly (500S): Receive 1000 likes.
Obtained by gaining followers on Insider. You’re Being Watched (5S): Get your first follower. On the Road to Stardom (5S): Get 5 followers. Cheeky Yet? (10S): Get 10 followers. Welcome to the Cool Kids Club (30S): Get 20 followers. You’re a Star (80S): Get 50 followers.
Obtained by following certain members on Insider. In Min We Trust (15S): Follow Razer CEO, Min-Liang Tan. News Addict (10S): Follow an official Razer Staff member. Vanguards Lead the Way (10S): Follow a Vanguard.
Obtained by receiving an amount of likes on a single post. Eyes On Ya! (5S): Get 5 likes on one post. Full Attention! (10S): Get 10 likes on one post. That’s some Quality Content Right There (25S): Get 25 likes on one post. You’re on Fire! (50S): Get 50 likes on one post. MVP: Most Valuable Post (100S): Get 100 likes on one post.
Obtained by owning certain Razer hardware. You may need to message a Vanguard or @Dekades if they do not register on their own after a week. Accuracy Up (100S): You have a Razer Mouse. Type Master (150S): You have a Razer Keyboard. Travel Powerhouse (300S): You have a Razer Laptop. You’re Surround-ed (100S): You have a Razer Headset. #CleanAF (150S): You have a Mercury Edition Razer peripheral.
Obtained by sharing a featured thread on Facebook or Twitter. Renew’s weekly
Tell a Friend! (100S): Share a featured thread on Facebook.
Spread the News! (100S): Share a featured thread on Twitter.
Happy Birthday! (50S): It’s your big day!. You can set your birthday here.
Obtained by gaining certain roles on Razer Insider. Enlightened (100S): You’re an official Razer staff member. Chief Gamer (∞S): You’re Razer’s CEO. (Non-Achievable). Tip of the Spear (1000S): You’re a Vanguard. Champion (1500S): You fought with great honor.
Obtained by viewing featured threads. Renews weekly. What’s up Insider (5S): You visited 1 featured thread this week. Getting the Low-Down (10S): You visited 3 featured threads this week. All Caught Up! (15S): You visited 5 featured threads this week.
Obtained by going to Razer events/stores in real life. You need to message a Vanguard or @Dekades with proof of attendance for redemption. -Offline- (700S): Go to a Razer AFK. AFK's are IRL events Razer host, such as an event for a new product launch, or just an event to view new products, meet staff and have a good time. Brick & Mortar FTW (300S): Go to a physical official Razerstore. You can view a list of current RazerStores here (insert link). Booth Party! (500S): Visit the Razer Booth during an event. Razer has booths at several events throughout the year, such as PAX and CES.
Obtained by meeting certain members on Insider, IRL. You may need to message a Vanguard or @Dekades for redemption. Did That Just Happen? (2000S): You met Razer’s CEO, Min-Liang Tan. Hey, I Know You (500S): You met a Vanguard. Yee Haw! (500S): You met Dekades, The Community Cowboy.
Obtained when your account reaches certain age milestones. Diehard Fan (500S): You joined Razer Insider in 2014. Newbie (300S): Your Insider account is 6 months old. Time Flies! (1000S): Your Insider account is 2 years old. #4MoreYears (2000S): Your Insider account is 4 years old.
The Power of the Dark Side (10S): You activated Dark Mode on Razer Insider.
Obtained by receiving likes from Razer Staff, Insider Mods and Vanguards. We Like Your Style! (100S): You’ve received a like from a Razer Staff member. Quality Content Right There (250S): You’ve received 5 likes from a Razer Staff member. Seal of Approval (500S): You’ve received 10 likes from a Razer Staff member. Hot Stuff! (1000S): You’ve received 25 likes from a Razer Staff member. We Want More! (2000S): You’ve received 50 likes from a Razer Staff member. Noticed. (5S): You’ve received a like from a Razer Insider Mod. Keep it up! (25S): You’ve received 5 likes from a Razer Insider Mod. MOAR! (100S): You’ve received 25 likes from a Razer Insider Mod. Mod’s Favorite (200S): You’ve received 50 likes from a Razer Insider Mod. The other achievements located in the “Good Behaviour” section are in the “Community Engagement” section.
Those achievements are manually activated by staff for good contributions to Insider, in the form of creating good posts, contributing in weekly threads, and more. Nice (1250S): In appreciation for your quality engagement. Nailed It (1500S): So good! That comment deserves some Silver. Great (2000S): We see what you did there. Trending (2500S): For your newsworthy contribution. Master Prestige (3000S): Your thread is a part of the Razer Insider highlights this month. Phenomenal! (5000S): In recognition for your excellent contribution to Insider. Jackpot! (10000S): Don’t spend it all in one place.
Obtained by receiving a like from a Razer Staff member, Insider Mod or Vanguard. Renews weekly. That’s the Stuff (100S): You’ve received a like from a Razer Staff member this week. Mod Nod (100S): You’ve received a like from a Razer Insider Mod this week.
Obtained by posting a photo of your battlestation, and having certain products. You may need to message a Vanguard or @Dekades for activation. Hoist the Colors (200S): Show your Razer Chroma colors, by posting your setup in the Battlestations section of Razer Insider, here. Fully Decked Out (500S): You have a Razer Mouse, Keyboard and Headset.
Obtained by using Synapse 3 while in beta, and voting for next month’s Cortex Paid to Play game in the monthly thread. Tester-in-Chief (100S): Participate in the Synapse 3 Beta. Who’s Next? You Decide. (50S): Vote for next month’s Paid to Play games.
Obtained by liking other users posts. Renews weekly. Sharing the Love (5S): You’ve given a like this week. Content Supporter (25S): You’ve given 15 likes this week.
Get on the Hype Train (20S): Publish a post in a featured thread.