How to bind all 8 directions on the thumb pad - W+A to the top left...? | Razer Insider
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Hello all,

Ive just recently purchased the Tartarus V2 and am looking to bind all 8 directions to the thumbstick/thumb pad. Its easy enough to bind the primary directions, but cannot quite figure out how to get the "in-between" directions binded.

For instance, I can bind "W" to the up/top position, and "A" to the left position, etc. But, I cannot bind W+A to the top-left position on the thumb pad.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

Using a macro isnt quite working either. Its comes close, but its either always on or repeats repeatedly when pushed/activated.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time
Using W and A on the keyboard allows my character to move forward and left, but cannot replicate that with the thumbpad... 😞