I just got my kitty ears & I need help | Razer Insider
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So, I just purchased my Quartz Kitty Ears for the Kraken. I purchased it from the official Razer online store itself. The problem is I can't seem to register the product online and will needsome help. Any suggestions? Every time I type, it just says invalid product number. If it is the seriel number, it is not written on the ears or the delivery order.
Hey! the Serial number should be on the inside of the headset. Like if you take off the earcups, It should be there. I hope this works out for you.
Hey ,thanks for your help. But, I was referring to the kitty ears clip ons, not the kraken headphones. I've registered those already. Any idea for just the kitty ears?
Oh, I am not sure you are able to register kitty ears. Let me check on that for you.

EDIT: So from what I see, When you register a razer product, you register for its limited time warranty that the company gives you with the product. For example, If I was to buy the Huntsman Elite, I would Get a two year limited time warranty. That warranty would activate when I registered my Razer product. Unfortunately, from what I have seen, I do not believe the Kitty ears come with a limited time warranty. Therefor, you trying to register them wont work because there is simply nothing to register.
Ah, I see. Thank you so much!!! :smile_:
Happy to help.