Insider Game Nights | Razer Insider
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Insider Game Nights

  • 1 April 2020
  • 3 replies

My friends and I have a weekly game night. Even before we started stay-at-home policies, we had a weekly game night that kept us together, especially since we're much older now, have families and kids, work in different regions - it was a great way for us to keep in touch.

This idea has been tossed around now, but I'd like to have an open discussion on whether or not some of you would like to participate in an Insider community game night/day/session. We can designate some time where we all play together.

To start the conversation, reply with your thoughts, the games you'd like to play and what times you are available and let's see what we can get together.

My time is flexible, I love playing Overwatch, I have WoW but I'm pretty open to other games.
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3 Replies

Userlevel 7
I think this sounds like a pretty cool idea!
Yep, very cool idea, but my English is very modest, would probably only understand and say half of it, but everyone would laugh. I'm just saying....My English is not the yellow from the egg
That sounds like a nice idea. I would like to participate but i don't play neither Overwatch either WoW. If we find a game that we can all play i will jump right in!!