I am experiencing heavy performance loss with this 1080ti in the Core X enclosure and I am not sure what the issue is other than the TB3 overheads, which I was told were around 10%. Currently this is performing noticeable worse than my built in dGPU 2070.
I have tried it on just two games at present. Battlefield V and Control.
2070 dGPU –
Control – 60fps
BFV – 70fps
1080ti Razer Core X –
Control – 40fps
BFV – 50fps
Both of these were on the exact same settings on an external 1440p monitor wither plugged into the Core X via a display port cable or into the Blade 15 2070 via a mini display port cable.
As you can see the 1080ti settings are a lot worse than the built in 2070 dGPU and I want to know if I have missed something or need to change any settings. I have tried multiple things including –
- Updating all drivers
- Disabling my dGPU via device manager
- Installing Razer Switch App to disabled the dGPU
- Tried with and without peripherals plugged into the laptop and / or Core X
- Uninstalling / reinstalling / updating drivers, thunderbolt settings, the Core X itself, razer programs, etc.
I have ran all games with monitoring software and the CPU have never maxed out, and has only ever seen 70-80% load max and was usually at 60-70%. The GPU on both the 2070 and 1080ti in the core X were both maxed out at 90-100% most of the time. Which leads me to believe that my laptop CPU is not a bottleneck.
Could you please let me know if this is acceptable performance for the Core X considering the GPU that is installed into it.