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So basically i bought this controller for a long time now and i had no problems at all. Then suddenly my LB button started going crazy like it was being pressed and in the Xbox menu i could not move from left to right because it would just go back to back, so i opened the controller to check if the LB button was stuck and it wasn’t i could just click it perfectly adding up on the issues my left stick has this double movement?, i go up one and it registers as 2 same for every direction so I closed the controller and just unplugged the usb from the console, the usb from the controller and I even unplugged the headphones and the power cable the console has.

I let it rest a day and when i woke up everything was perfectly fine i could use it as always, then i quit playing for the day and i left it like that without unplugging to anything and the next day what happens? The same thing LB goes crazy and left stick, I tried Updating the controller from the Razer app to remap buttons and i cant even use my controller there it does the same thing, I got no warranty I just want to know if this is something i need to get checked or has this happened to anyone else?  

PD: i tried the unplugging everything method again and everything was fine for like 20 seconds i could move normally and then it started failing again  ://

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