What is everyones favourite razer product? I would like to hear your opinions. | Razer Insider
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(Disclaimer.) im new to Razer forums, so im not sure how the community works here; (though I have read the rules). Please keep in mind my grammar is not perfect, either.

So, as the title suggests, I want to know what peoples favourite Razer product is. Not which is the best but rather the one you would use. If you really like a mouse for its incredible use in gaming; that is still ok. Please take into consideration comfort, shape, performance, satisfaction (like a keyboard with mushy or mechanical keys), and pretty much everything else. (Including looks if you wish so.). This includes every Razer product- so it doesn't have to be a mouse or keyboard. You can have a list of your favourites; or just one. I dont mind.

Also, please give your reason for your reply. Im genuinally curious about what everybody thinks- and I would like to know why you think that way.