What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider

What would you like to see next from Razer?

Userlevel 7
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

5949 Replies

I want to see a gaming monitor with a good design and a camera like kinect of the XBOX.
I´m going for something quite special now - stay with me :)
As Razer is already going in the "PC to TV" streaming direction, they could take it one step further:

As soon as the latency etc. problems are figured out, they could try to boost the Razer Blade from the Desktop at home. This would allow for an extremely slim laptop with "real-Desktop-PC-power".

I do know that that´s beyond what´s possible today, but who knows when Razer will redefine whats possible - again!

Interested @Min-Liang Tan ? 😃
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

Virtual reality head gear please!
I would love to see some Razer computer components. For example, a Razer external touchscreen fan controller that allows the user to see their temps AND control their fans without having to ALT+TAB out of the game, or display them over their game. That would be very awesome
I would love to see Razer CPU Monitors. Preferably Chroma LED Monitors for those colour coordinated gaming folk. 🙂
Not sure if someone has said anything about this yet, but you guys have several things that I find really awesome. You have gaming laptops, tablets, and so much more. I'm sure somewhere down the road we will see a desktop, but I think there is something that still has yet to be done in the world. That is a gaming phone. Yes, a legit gaming phone. Lets all be honest here we love our phones very much. With that being said I also use it every day, but there is one downside to it. It's not made by Razer. I think it would be a great idea to make a phone that has the capability of doing some awesome things such as gaming, and that would even pair with the Nabu in a way nothing else could. A Razer phone designed around the Razer cortex as well. That was us working people still have the ability to watch sales all the time. something that could even link to the forge TV, and link the the cortex on our computer to start downloading game we buy. This isn't really a far fetched idea to be honest. Think about it. You have a phones that are running through towers at all times of the day, and even hooked up to your WiFi as well. So being able to place these things in a phone or an app would be sick. I'm not always around my computer. Between college and work I tend to miss some great things. It would be nice to be able to pull out the "Razer Phone" and take care of some things while it may be impossible at certain times. This is kind of a basic idea, but I've seen you guys work. You can take this idea and wow the world. Maybe even at CES 2016. I think it's time someone picks up the ball that has been dropped by most phone companies. Just look what apple did. They started with computers and now people can't get enough of their Iphone. There is an endless market for something like this. Phones like computers are always changing allowing for upgrades to be done throughout the years. On top of that look what Nvidia did with the new graphics card chip for phones this year. There is already a start to an awesome gaming phone in that matter "the first gaming phone".
A Razer smartphone with top-notch specs with a killer price would be nice. Otheriwse I would like a lag-free wireless controller to replace my XBox 360 one for PC.
Here's one. I love the Orochi since my MacBook is my primary machine I use for work. But there are times I feel that it's pretty limited. But I use it still because it's the best Bluetooth mouse there is in the market today.

My wish list? A bluetooth version of Ouroboros or perhaps a mini Ouroboros. Also a sensor that works on glass surface would be nice.
Priority a retail release of Nabu in the UK, A Razer Android phone would be epic id totally buy one to go with my Nabu when it finally comes out. A razer gaming chair would be pretty cool as well.
Portable Monitor. Lightweight, runs on power source via USB.
Just need a 27" Razer Monitor and Razer Gaming Chair then my life is complete.
Definitely looking to a groundbreaking Razer Monitor with high refresh rates and 1ms response time. CES 2016 here we go!
Is it realistic to think that Razer could enter the graphics card world? Or is that not really its goal. Obviously Razer always uses "top of the line" graphics cards in their PCs but could they go down the path of creating those for themselves? Maybe it'd be better to have them continue creating accessories and other items like that...

don't think that is happening, yet. Of cos, nothing is impossible. Especially when we are talking about Razer! Now bring out the Razer toaster!
I need a Razer Gsync monitor 😉. Or perhaps an updated iphone case for the 6 plus/6.
maybe some more assesories would be nice(ex: speakers, mircophones, headset, basically all the things you need to have a exellent gaming performance.)
Razer Phone, i will trade-in my iphone straight away, lol
Toaster pl0x
Some spare mechanical keys below the space bar.
I love the monitor idea, preferably one around 24" so that multiple could be used in a multi-display setup
I'd like to see razer pull of a gaming monitor maybe? Since they're making all the products for different kind of gamers now adays. it would be nice to see a razer monitor to go with all the other razer products.
Could you work with DXRacer using your partnership scheme you used for the H440 to create a DXRazer chair? I'd kill to get a Razer branded DXRacer chair in black with green highlights! Especially relevant since DXRacer has begun shipping their own products to countries like Australia now.
Project Christine been waiting a long time for that
monitor would be perfect for this year! make it epic with other gaming gear ^.^
I would love to have a Razer PC that would be terrific!
BTW if I recall, Min Liang Tan is from Singapore like me?
And Gaming Chairs are usually BS but maybe Razer could outbeat all of them?
I would love to see the Razer Blade and Razer Nabu in EU!
Yes and also Project Christine!
