What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider

What would you like to see next from Razer?

Userlevel 7
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

5952 Replies

Definitely love to see a 144Hz 4k 1ms monitor and perhaps a refreshed Naga?

BUT more than anything please, please upgrade the online Razer Store and your customer service/distribution partners. I've had to wait upwards of 3 days for support responses and then they're generally dismissive and/or unhelpful. Pretty terrifying when dealing with orders over 3k.
Leviathan Chroma featuring THX!
only a phone left for razer to dominate apple
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

Wireless keyboard like deathstalker with charging dock (So I can pair it with Razer mamba)

I have razer turret but I hope Razer see the market for people who use their keyboards and mouse on desk but just far away from the TV, not on lap.

eg. I have 55inch 4k tv as my monitor I use it quite far from TV so wired peripherals won't work so I've been using turret for quite awhile.
I would like to see an actual razer brand desktop computer. I think with the knowledge and everything razer, has you guys could make a beast new generation on desktop platforms.
Other than a Razer toaster, I would like to see a Razer Phone! Which people can play games with it like what it use to be as Nokia N-Gage!! (old stories)
Remember myself want it so bad when it just release... think I was around standard 1 last time hmm
Razer monitor please
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

I'd love to see a Hue+ type of setup that was synapse controlled, and course it should sync up with the rest of the chroma enabled devices.
They should make a razer desk with all the chroma lighting and lighting effects under and around the desk, that would be pretty cool to own. (kinda like tron style)
How about a razor 144hz monitor? i reckon that would be pretty neat
Userlevel 4
Razer Ornata TE
Project Christine! Pretty please :3
make razerphone and toaster
A full membrane keyboard would be a good thing i guess !
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

Yeah i'd love to see a new 144HZ moniter or 1440p
Me and every razer lover that I know, wish for a new Razer Blade with smaller screen bezel. I think you can fit a 15 inch screen in there without any change to the body. I know it will consume more power but this is the only thing that makes people even consider laptops like xps15 cause it is about the same size and weight but gives you 15.6 inch screen and everything else is much supertrior in my opinion with blade.
I've seen a lot of comments saying exactly what I'm saying now: Moniters.

I'm the type of gamer that don't know much about techs and such, but I love the razor brand. I love the glow and the colors. I love making my little corner of gaming into something I could call unique.

The downside of this is I, and probably all of you, have spent enough time on the computer that I can type seemless, I never look at the keyboard unless I mistakedly place my hands down one key to the right or left and start typing nonsense. It seems like such a waste, a keyboard with pretty colour that never gets attention. But my screen, wow I look at that all day long. Imagine one in the sleek razor style and maybe some glow? A backlit? A tiny area on the side that matches the beat of your music?

I'd pay big bucks for that!

Oh oh oh!
If nike can do it, why can't razor? Team up with apple and get us one green glowing razor smartwatch. 😉 the smartwatch for gamers with a razor app reminding us to eat and stay hydrated in the long hours of gaming we do
Adding OLED display touch bar (to replace some of the physical function keys, located above the keyboard, yes it might sound like copying what the new iMac Pro's will soon have). But still it would be nice feature on Razer Blade Stealth and New Razer Blade.

Apple copied razer's switchbalde first. I don't see any sign of copying if razer put the switch blade on the function bar.
i would love to see maybe razer monitors on diffrent price classes 😃 i would buy one
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

Maybe a monitor,I've been looking for monitors with LEDs and cant find many so I had to buy some LED strips but the colours don't match pretty much the rest of my desk
A smartwatch would be nice. I know there is this Nabu Watch thingy, but I don't like the looks of it and it is more of a fitness tracker, than a smartwatch.

Also, like alot before me, a 144hz monitor.
Userlevel 7
Razer Milestone T-Shirts for being an Insider (see Insider Rewards Reset thread to see what I'm talking about).
Make a hologram thingy, to use with a webcam thingy :o

Also: razer sheets, razer robots, razer paintings, new razer chairs, razer wireless earbuds.
Better support for Mac devices, as it is less than optimal.
