Razer gold mining | Razer Insider

Razer gold mining

  • 14 April 2020
  • 3 replies

Hey all, is it possible to mine RAZER gold?? If yes then how??

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3 Replies

Userlevel 7
You are not able to mine Razer Gold, you can only mine Razer Silver using Gamma, which you can learn more about here.
You are not able to mine Razer Gold, you can only mine Razer Silver using Gamma, which you can learn more about here.

Those razer items are yours? If it is, how can I put mine like that?
You can edit your signature by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of the webpage. Click on the signature tab and add whatever you want, you can format it like Jenjar too by adding a spoiler tag to your signature or add chroma letters by changing the color of each letter. Use your imagination and go bananas.

Thank you!