Switching Chroma Visualizer over pressing the key | Razer Insider

Switching Chroma Visualizer over pressing the key

I wrote a little batch file to start and stop to Chroma Visualizer.
All you had to do to get this work:
- Create a batch file with the following code
@echo off
tasklist.exe | findstr "ChromaVisualizer.exe" > nul
if errorlevel 1 (
START "ChromaVisualizer" "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Razer\\Synapse3\\AudioVisualizer\\ChromaVisualizer.exe"
) else (
taskkill -f -im ChromaVisualizer.exe

- Start Razer Synapse and set the Chroma Visualizer to always Active
- Go to your Keyboard/Mouse/Mousepad settings click on any key and set the function to run a program navigate to the bat (show all files) and click on it
- Enjoy

Pls report bugs and feedback


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