So I ran into this strange problem with my Black Widow Chroma Stealth where the media keys aren't working as intended.
Currently Iam using a Death Adder Chroma and the Black Widow Chroma. Ever since Synapse 3 was released I used it, since it supports the Black Widow. Sadly it does not support the DeathAdder Chroma. Therefore I also use Synapse 2.0.
Problem goes as follows: When both programms run, it seems like Synapse 2.0 kinda overrides 3.0. To be precise: I can access alll my profiles for mouse and keyboard in Synapse 2.0, but 3.0 does not recognize the Black Widow (it does recognize the DeathAdder tho and links to 2.0). Whenever both programms are up, the media key shortcuts are not responding.
But when I close Synpase 2.0, the 3.0 version recognizes the Black Widow and the keys are worklng again.
Other way around, when synapse 3 ain't running but 2 does, the keys won't work as well. Aside of that I don't get the nice features of Synapse 3 like game specific chromas.
Phew so much for describing the problem. Question is:
Is there a way to get both versions working side by side with media key support and chroma stuff in synapse 3 while mouse support in synapse 2? I mean there has to be a way (aside of the obvious just use one version).
Any help would be great

PS: C'mon Razer just integrate the Death Adder Chroma into Synapse 3.0