1st thing - what’s your keyboard (exact model).
Next thing - have you tried it without Synapse (synapse turned off), or at least on another PC without Synapse installed?
Exactly the same error with the Black Widow v4.
The errors are less frequent without Synapse.
Extremely annoying, especially when you play something and trigger actions that spoil the game.
I have found a few solutions that are more or less successful.
1. take the keyboard in one hand and hit the area with the keys that are involved in spamming with the back of your other hand. This has temporarily fixed the key spamming; usually only a few minutes. The longest time was a day. I cannot recommend this measure, the keyboard could be damaged and it is only temporary.
2. there was a suggestion on Reddit to replace the switches with Gateron switches.I personally went down this route, despite the keyboard still being under warranty.Waiting for a solution or a replacement from Razer seemed far more unpleasant to me.About Razer and its support.
I can't recommend this solution directly. You have to be able to solder. There is a risk of damaging the keyboard. What's more, once the defective switches have been replaced, it usually doesn't take long before the next ones are due. In my case, it was first the a, s, r and v keys. Then control (left), b, e and space... the drama continues.
3. the best solution: uninstall Synapse, make sure everything is gone. Unplug the USB keyboard from the PC. Wrap the cable around the keyboard and throw it out of the window. (Please be careful not to hurt anyone) Then buy a new one, not from Razer.
Good Luck