Huntsman Elite Lighting Questions | Razer Insider

Huntsman Elite Lighting Questions

  • 26 May 2020
  • 1 reply

Hello All,

My old BlackWidow bit the dust the other day and since I need it for work like now, I purchased both the Huntsman Elite Linear and the K95 Plat XT since I cannot go into a store to comparison in person.

Overall, I love the feel of the Huntsman, but there are a few quirks that I just cannot figure out. I have read the manual, reviewed the Armory, but I think I just need to ask here.

1. According to the Manual, "When the "FN" key is held down, all function keys with secondary functions including other keys which you can combine with the "FN" key will light up". But even though I created a hypershift action for a specific key, when I hold down the FN button, only the F9, F10, F11, F12, Pause, and Menu buttons glow. I would expect all keys with a Hypershift function would light up.

2. I understand that when I push the Caps Lock button, the little caps lock light turns on. But I would think a no-brainer would be to allow us to set a color on the Caps Lock itself. Like turn the entire button Red.

3. In the Manual, it states that "Pressing the "FN" key in combination with the Menu key will cycle through the different profiles, with the Menu key's color showing which profile is currently selected when the "FN" key is held down." When I do that, I get a little message on the screen telling me which profile has been selected, but the Menu Button does not change color to match the profile saved against that slot. The Menu button stays the same color it always was.

4. I see how I can set a certain Lighting profile to be selected when I push a button, but I can I configure that lighting to stay on only when held and go back to the previous lighting profile when let go? I see this becoming very convenient when selecting hotkeys. For example, when I push the windows button, I would like only those keys with shortcuts assigned to them to light up. Windows-E for example opens explorer. etc. l use quite a few apps that have shortcuts like that that I would like to program into Synapse.

Thank you!

- Paul

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1 Reply

Have similar issue with point 3. Pressing "FN" key and "Menu" key cycles through different profiles but doesn't actually switch to them for the keyboard. Am having problem when finished gaming the game profile stays on the keyboard, can't get it to go back to my 'base' profile.