Huntsman Elite Volume Wheel Erratic on Use | Razer Insider
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I have a Huntsman Elite keyboard and the volume wheel has been acting up for a while now. Read other forums, and updated the firmware to the latest (as of today) but it still randomly skips around. I tried killing every Razer program I could find in Task Manager, with very little improvement.
I have a Huntsman Elite keyboard and the volume wheel has been acting up for a while now. Read other forums, and updated the firmware to the latest (as of today) but it still randomly skips around. I tried killing every Razer program I could find in Task Manager, with very little improvement.

Some Insider while ago posted the same issue, i cant remember when but, what he mentioned and fixed my issue was when u shutdown ur PC/Laptop try to spam the wheel for good minute non stop. and turn ur pc back on see if its work