Tartarus scroll wheel - not impressed | Razer Insider

Tartarus scroll wheel - not impressed

  • 28 January 2024
  • 0 replies

This might be a hot take, but the scroll wheel on my Tartarus kinda sucks. I had the Orbweaver before and loved it. The standard keypad button was far more useful. It was basically perfect. 

But sadly my Tartarus has a scroll wheel instead, which I never use. My mouse already has a scroll wheel so I don’t see the point. And yeah, I can use it a regular button...sort of. But it’s just not the same The only reason I stopped using the Orbweaver was because of the software fiasco. I wish they had a version of the Tartarus with a regular button instead of the wheel. I’d buy it in a second. 

Anyone else feel the same way?

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