Basilisk Ultimate not charging by usb cable or dock | Razer Insider
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My Basilisk Ultimate wireless mouse is not charging whether I put it on my cleaned Razor dock or if I plug the mouse directly into the pc with the usb cable. My Synapse software says its charging with the flashing lightening bolt next to it but the percentage charge for the mouse never goes up. That number only goes down. I have done ALL THE THINGS recommended to try to fix the issue. Nothing is working. Drivers are updated. Tried to charge with the mouse turned off. restarted software, cleaned connections. updated everything I possible could on my PC. What the hell Razor.

Just an update… I downloaded Logitech G Hub started recreating my profiles on my old Logitech G502 Hero and noticed that my Razor mouse finally has the percent charge on the Synapse software start (finally) increasing instead of just decreasing. I have spent 3 days researching and trouble shooting this mouse doing every thing I could find to fix this issue and the minute I move on and start to use a different mouse my Basilisk starts working? Fix you dang software!!! Paid too much for this hassle.
