Basilisk Ultimate not showing on UK site | Razer Insider
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Ok so I want to order a Basilisk Ultimate in the sale, however it says “404 link not found” when you click it on the UK razer site. It works on all other sites, is this just my problem or is it universal? And is it on purpose?
I had the page open for the Nari Ultimate for Xbox One open since yesterday on the UK site and when I tried to view it today got the 404 error. Doesn't come up in the search, so either they are out of stock or Razer just don't want to give certain items away for half price so have started to take them down before the sale.
I have the same problem for the EU website. I can view and order the mouse via, butt i don't know if the discount code is usable over there.

I also tweeted the Razer Support about this and they said they'll fix it shortly.