Which mouse to buy? | Razer Insider
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Which mouse to buy?

Hi my razer imperator broke so i am in a market for new on.
I am lookin at mamba wireless mamba elite and deathadder elite.
Can someone help me out which mouse to buy?
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15 Replies

  • Jedi Master
  • 340 replies
  • May 8, 2019
A little more info, and I'm sure that enough people will chime in and give you some advice.

For example, what do you mostly use your mouse for (what KIND of games)? Are you looking to branch out from 2-button to a multi-button mouse? Do you need something for work, too? Is wireless important to you? Does it need to be super-portable or have a removable cable? Have you tried other Razer mice, and how did they feel to you?

  • Author
  • 4 replies
  • May 8, 2019
I tryed all 3 they all fit well in my hands i had one of the first deathadders till it broke down then i bought imperator and both feel great.
I mostly play battel royal and league of legends.
I dont need it for travel i just need best preformence i can get
As the cabel situation goes i dont mind if it is but if there isnt it would be great just dont wanna pay for wireless one if mouse whit cable preformes better.
As for the buttons i need side buttons and dpi adjusment buttons.
And i need good grip becose in the room where my computer is its getting hot in summer so i sweat a lot and whit imperator i had problems whit grip when i had sweaty hands.

  • Insider
  • 221 replies
  • May 8, 2019
I tried at Gamers Hideout in Malaysia's One Utama Shopping Mall for Razer Deathadder, Razer Deathadder Elite, Razer Mamba, Razer Basilisk Essential. Personally I prefer Razer Basilisk Essential as the mouse click control is much better compared to the Razer Deathadder Elite. I felt like it is harder to control shots in games like CSGO for Razer Deathadder Elite although the grip is much better than basilisk. In the end it comes to personal preference. The online review said Razer Deathadder Elite is better for fps games but i don't think so. You should tried it out at the stores that sells Razer peripherals to be safe.

  • Author
  • 4 replies
  • May 8, 2019
Yea i already tryed all and all exept balisk felt good but i am that kind of person that when something is wrong i need time to figure it out what is wrong for example when i started to play apex i was good at it and getting better and better and i didnt play shooting games since lol came out so it was a long time but then i started to fail so hard it felt like computer is lagging and it shouldnt s8nce computer is new whit realy expansive build and i only use it for games and i have fast optics for internet connection .... so i changed modem formated the computer took it completly apart tested evry hardware and still i had lags so then i finly figure it out that the mouse stops working for a sec or less and i am one of this stupid guys that plays shooting games on high dpi so thats why i am asking around preformence wise which mouse is better does mamba wireless lose any premormence becuse it is wireless and is mamba elite preformence wise any better rhen deathadder elite cuz visualy i dont care how they look all 3 are prefect for my hand and grip and if someone tested if you are playing ling time and sweating if any of those mouses loses grips?

  • Vanguard
  • 722 replies
  • May 9, 2019
Your choice depends on your gaming style and what type of games do you play the most. Because there are some factors to consider when you want to buy a new mouse, the nr of dps, size, how many buttons should have, wireless or not, dps grips and so on.

Tips and tricks: The Razer Naga Trinity can replace the most Razer mices, might wanna take a look into that one.

  • Jedi Master
  • 340 replies
  • May 10, 2019

Tips and tricks: The Razer Naga Trinity can replace the most Razer mices, might wanna take a look into that one.

You know, I still have yet to lay hands on one of those to try it out. It's on my list for the future, but dropped a bit after the Storm Trooper BlackWidow Lite was announced.

@NADU007 , it seems like you've done your research. So let's compare:

I'm throwing the Mamba Wireless out the window, because there is no technology that I know of that will make a wireless signal as fast as a wired signal, and it seems like you're worried about lag.

So out of the Mamba Elite and DeathAdder Elite, it is mostly up to which one feels better in your hand. They have the same 5G Optical Sensor (up to 16,000 DPI); same IPS capability; Razer switches; etc, etc,

In a few ways, the Mamba Elite has it up on the DA Elite: cooler looking Chroma capabilities; natively compatible with Synapse 3 Beta (some people will argue whether that is a good or a bad thing); on-board storage; two more programmable buttons (tilt-click, which I love).

Unfortunately, I haven't used both, so I can't give you any anecdotal advice in that way. I do love my DA Elite, though.

  • Insider
  • 68 replies
  • May 11, 2019
Saw you mentioned basilisk fitting you...
Well, I've felt the same. Fits me the best, but I'm actually using mamba TE (same as mamba elite pretty much) on daily basis. Comparing to deathadder I think it is closer to basilisk. As for losing grip... never noticed it before at least.

The basilisk is great!

  • 1 reply
  • May 13, 2019
don't buy razer mice, best advice i can ever give you

  • 144 replies
  • May 13, 2019
don't buy razer mice, best advice i can ever give you

Hardware mostly ok, Software Synapse total mess. But without software support, no use of the features. You have to decide.

  • Insider Mini
  • 417 replies
  • May 13, 2019
Any choice will be good, I have the DA Elite and Basilisk and like them both a lot. Nice crisp clicks and grippy scroll wheels. If I needed a new mouse right now I'd go with the Mamba Elite since it has similar features to the others but looks the best!

  • Mother of Gaming
  • 124 replies
  • May 15, 2019
I absolutely loved my Imperator, my youngest son still uses it to this day.

I currently use the pink quartz basilisk on my desktop PC and the pink quartz lancehead TE on my laptop, I really like both but I prefer the feel of the basilisk just slightly more in my hand. However I prefer the responsiveness of the lancehead TE just slightly more while playing. So there's my two barely useful cents. lol

I also own the Naga 12-button that's only green, Naga 12-button in chroma, Naga Hex and Orochi.

mamba elite best ever!

  • Insider Mini
  • 59 replies
  • May 15, 2019
i'm using hyperflux mamba due to the fact that we are all moving into wireless future and i have never regret it period!! i like it to be free easy and light....

  • 2 replies
  • May 16, 2019
You cant go wrong with a Deathadder. I love mine

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