razer phone 2 frozen | Razer Insider
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razer phone 2 frozen

Hi while browsing on google chrome my razer phone 2 has ben frozen for over twenty minutes and not responding .How do I fix this issue
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6 Replies

  • Insider Mini
  • 53 replies
  • August 7, 2019
So i guess you have been browsing on risky forum/warez/pr0n sites?^^ should not be doing that ;)

So b2t: if you have a full on freeze where even power button doesnt even react. Just use the standard hard reset button combination. (Nearly every android device supports that) Long press (~10s) power button, vol up and vol down all at the same time. There you go 😃

  • Super Saiyan Mod
  • 375 replies
  • August 7, 2019
This seems to be an issue with the latest version of Chrome

Until Google update it again can you please download the beta version of Chrome and try that?

  • Insider Mini
  • 53 replies
  • August 7, 2019
This seems to be an issue with the latest version of Chrome

So i haven been experiencing this issue very heavily lately. Its starting to get really anmoying. Even on Googles own search page with integrated videos/trailers. I can no longer visit any website with integrated videos. Which are a lot/most of websites today...

Its not happening on my other, different android tablets though - thus i am wondering - is this a specific chrome/rp2 issue or is it related to the specific hardware the rp2 uses. Any information on that?

As mentioned already chrome seems to be culprit. I've been struggling with same issue for a while now. Initially thought it was that the update to pie just wasn't quite stable on my phone. Razer support had me do factory reset and problem still persists. Put 2 and 2 together that it was while in chrome and on any page with any kind of embedded video (ie. Do a Google search and let the the YouTube videos that come up as part of that search start loading as previews, moments later your phone is a brick until you've restarted it) got got to the point where I could very reliably recreate said issue. Downloaded Firefox and attempted to recreate it in a completely different browser, can't for the life of me get it to freeze in Firefox. Looks like I'm using Firefox until further notice (not the fix I'm sure a lot of people are looking for, more of a band-aid really but should help save some frustration) as per if it's rp/rp2 specific I'm not certain though I will say nobody else in my circle of friends has this issue and I'm the only one rocking an rp2

It's for sure a Chrome issue, I looked in to it the other day and ran in to the same problem, it's not your fault. I think there is a support thread on some chrome problem forum and someone started one specifically for Razer Phone 2 so I don't know if they will actually address the issue, there were like 50 something people who responded. I don't browse "risky" sites or whatever that guy was saying. Mine started freezing while I was watching online lectures for medical school so... Switched to firefox like the guy above me said and I have had no problems.

  • Insider Mini
  • 53 replies
  • August 14, 2019
Ok. Chrome retail/release app just got updated in playstore. Sadly, as it seems, this issue wasnt fixed/adressed so far =/



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