Razer phone signal sucks. | Razer Insider
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Would anyone know how to do a proper health check on the razer phone v1? i've had problems with network drop outs, mega slow speeds but i don't game on it or do anything other than phone people. I've not even been able to phone my dad for more than 3 minutes while his in a care home due to this problem.

Wife and son on same network (giffgaff), network is find so its phone related.

I've moved this from the reddit since that place is dead.
I don't know if it applies to you (your network and specifically the rp1) but I know some people on the rp2 had to call their phone company and have it properly provisioned to work on their network. I think it was att, though.

I know it doesn't exactly pertain to you, but it's something. Maybe even a starting point.

Sorry I can't really be any help.

By and by, have you done any of the following?

factory reset?

Deleted or reset APN settings?

Or reflashed the system images?

powered down, Removed sim and restarted then powered down, replaced sim and restarted?

Just throwing some generic solutions/thoughts out there.