Root for mr5 | Razer Insider
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Is root available for mr5 version of rp2? Ive checked xda labs and everything seems to be posted for mr0-mr2.
Yes it is. The process is exactly the same.

If you have ANY issues, I'm always happy to help.
Thank you for the response. It says I'm unable to access the document for pre rooted.
Haha, sorry. I forgot that googles default sharing option in drive is set to off. I turned link sharing on, it should work now. Sorry for the late reply, I got caught up in a game. I'll hang around just to make sure all goes well.

Haha, sorry. I forgot that googles default sharing option in drive is set to off. I turned link sharing on, it should work now. Sorry for the late reply, I got caught up in a game. I'll hang around just to make sure all goes well. First boot takes longer than usual, I think it's the new Magisk. After first boot, it boots quite quickly.

Got it downloaded thank you
Thank you for the response. It says I'm unable to access the document for pre rooted.

Haha, sorry. I forgot that googles default sharing option in drive is set to off. I turned link sharing on, it should work now. Sorry for the late reply, I got caught up in a game. I'll hang around just to make sure all goes well. First boot takes longer than usual, I think it's the new Magisk. After first boot, it boots quite quickly.
Got it downloaded thank you

Hey white zombie:

If you have a moment would you please resend the latest magisk manager link? Also, after installing the manager, do I just boot into fastboot connected to pc and flash from there? And the command would be? Sorry. I am a noob.
So the links are gone out of our thread unless im missing something, which is definitely possible. I looked online and I see magisk manager for v20. Something and also 8.0.3 not sure which to download
What about twrp?
Ok sorry to be a bug but would you know anything about samsung combination files? I'm looked my for one for a note 8 and I'm needing one that is for bootloader v8? Not a big deal just thought I would ask.
Lol, you would be surprised how many people don't get that that is my username!

Custom kernels have twrp built in on our phone. - magisk manager apk

Fastboot commands:

fastboot flash boot_a boot.img

fastboot flash boot_b boot.img

Boot to twrp directly afterwards and flash any NEW zips you may want.

If you already have a custom kernel with twrp, you can flash the kernel zip there, without unzipping and looking for the boot.img.

I like to root, then boot and then install magisk manager apk.

I have included arter97 pre rooted with 21.1 magisk kernel zip here Unzip zip to get to boot.img for fastboot flashing.

Ok sorry to be a bug but would you know anything about samsung combination files? I'm looked my for one for a note 8 and I'm needing one that is for bootloader v8? Not a big deal just thought I would ask.

I moved far far away from Samsung sometime around the s5, unfortunately all I can do to help here is by helping search the internet.