Hmmm didnt Min say Razer gets copied by every other company, looks like Razer is doing the same thing here.
If only the drink itself was chroma :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
If it was then. . .I'm sure it would come out that way. That would mess with your head early in the morning.:confused_:
Cannot wait to try it! Oh wait it US only atm
what a bummer
yeah, i'm legit sad that this isn't available in canada. me and a co worker were gonna go halfsies on the 4 pack but got hecked last minute

hopefully it's available outside the US soon, i have always wanted to try out one of those drink mixes.
i'll pay u guys like at least 4.99$ usd to let me buy this in canada i must game
It's been the best investment for me! redbull and monster are expensive and high in sugar! Just got my first box and I love the flavor already~!!!
This is garbage, there is nothing better than the Gatorade.
No chroma:rolleyes: I’d like to see this set with chroma mug:smile_:
If only the drink itself was chroma :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
I guess I'm being extra stupid tonight because I cannot find the nutritional facts label for this product.
take my money! 😍
Why can't I redeem silver for the Chroma mug, is it out of stock?
Yes, it was out of stock 2 years ago.:wink_:
I want to buy, but it's only for US. I'm from EU - Germany :slightly_sad:
Please make this available globally
I'm sure maybe eventually once this gets bigger, it'll be possible to ship worldwide. Gotta Pray !
Why can't I redeem silver for the Chroma mug, is it out of stock?
Looking forward to trying RESPAWN either blue raspberry or pomegranate watermelon
I want that bottle, more than the drink in it itself! :big_grin_:
It does look like a good shaker bottle. Definitely agree I'd be more interested in that than the powder. Razer's pitch that Respawn will help my focus during gaming is laughable. If you need focus during a game then you're not enjoying the game your playing. :eek_:
Oh boy, then you didn't see the RGB cup they puto out a couple of months ago
Hahaha i know that
@Maximusisback that was RGB mug, this one is a bottle.
There's a difference :wink_:
I want that bottle, more than the drink in it itself! :big_grin_:
Oh boy, then you didn't see the RGB cup they puto out a couple of months ago
After using Onnit's AlphaBrain for years, then GFuel more recently... I'm very curious to compare RESPAWN. While it's no
Venom v2, I am ready. #GameOn
[edit] cannot wait to see this for Canadian customers!
Hmmm looks tasty! :)
I want that bottle, more than the drink in it itself! :big_grin_:
It looks really tasty! But it's US only again...
Any plans to release in Asia?
I usually stick with Monster, NOS, Rockstar etc, but I think these would go really well in the Gold Store. Then if you already had a full setup and your Silver is close to expiring you could always get Respawn.
that's actually a damn good idea for using up expiring Silver. Someone official plz take note!
All we need is some Razer chips to complete the late night gaming sessions diet. :confused_:
I'll stick to "Bang".
Awesome, wish I could buy it...
When will it be available in other countries?
awesome! i take!