Axon dosen't restart properly after gaming | Razer Insider

Axon dosen't restart properly after gaming

  • 16 December 2023
  • 0 replies

I've bought a blade 16 in the summer and I've installed all 3 razer softwares(synapse, axon, coretex),and I'm using an axon wallpaper. When I start playing games the cortex will shut down most of the softwares, which is okay, but now when I quit the game the axon doesn't show the live wallpaper before, and  I have to restart the software manually to get it right. The problem occurred about a month ago. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the software but it doesn't work, The problem is still there.

also the special chroma RGB effect of the axon wallpaper won't work When I turn on the laptop, And I have to restart the synapse to get the RGB right.  What's weird is that if i restart the laptop, The rgb effect could work properly, The problem only occurs when I shut down the laptop for a while and turn it on afterwards.

How can I solve these problems?

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