Hi Razer Gold | Razer Insider
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For the game Conquer Online

Purchase request $285 card value 21000 CP
Anime 13 price $293

Razar Gold is now available and says that the purchase value is only $284. Why has the purchase value been reduced? You must inform the administration to solve the problem

My balance is $600 on Razer Gold
Please help us and return it as it was. We buy these cards

I am sending you a picture showing the problem

This means that the $285 cards 21000 CP have been canceled from Razer Gold and Anime p13 has been canceled. This is slowly destroying your game and we are in Egypt. There are no payment services available other than Razer Gold
Please return the limit to $500 as it was. If the limit was changed to $284, this causes destruction and failure to charge cards and anime from your site. Please send the problem to the game designer to solve the problem and return the situation to what it was. We We buy a limit of $500 from the game website via Razer Gold until all products and items are purchased from the store. If the refund is not made, your game will be slowly destroyed. Thank you.

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