A new giveaway for Razer Cortex users. Share and win. | Razer Insider
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A new giveaway for Razer Cortex users. Share and win.

Click here for more chance

Over 3 million Razer Silver and 50 Steam game keys are up for grabs.

Download Razer Cortex on PC and use my invitation code 3097925ec171 for more entry tickets.

Don't miss out!

[CORTEX PC] Share and Win x AEW: Fight Forever

Only 5 days left. Try  and win AEW: Fight ForeverSteam Game Key or  40,000 SILVERS. Check this

you can also use this code: e404b9dcffcc


How do I turn off the pop ups for this in Razer software?

How do I turn off the pop ups for this in Razer software?

Which Razer software exactly?

There should be an option in settings to disable notifications.

How do I turn off the pop ups for this in Razer software?

Which Razer software exactly?

There should be an option in settings to disable notifications.


It was Razedr Cortex but the pop up just kept mentioning share and win.  Fouind the setting.  The settings icon is minute so I couldn’t see it on my monitor.

Here is my code as well: a17c9fb50202

Click here for more chance

Over 3 million Razer Silver and 50 Steam game keys are up for grabs.

Download Razer Cortex on PC and use my invitation code 3097925ec171 for more entry tickets.

Don't miss out!

Here is my code: d5cdb0778222

Gl everyone
