[Cortex PC] Squad Rewards Season 5 | Razer Insider

[Cortex PC] Squad Rewards Season 5

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89 Replies

Userlevel 7
Have fun.
Userlevel 7
Team gathered and ready.

Good luck everyone.
i need one teammate whose fulfil full hours currently, pls let me know if u are interesting.
im might not saw message over here pls contact over discord.
Discord : yehrick#4825
Userlevel 7
Enjoy gamers!!
Go knock each others out!
Userlevel 7
My friends wouldn't play 4 hrs per day... it is a bit hard for me to get the reward

Time for some new friends (: always fun making new friends imo lul
Userlevel 7
Badge +1
HF & GL ! 😃
I think this season is going to be very exciting and competitive.
I'm not gonna lie, the upper prizes are incredibly frustrating. We actively played games from 5pm to 11pm (completely covering the start time of the earning period) and are actively missing out on the upper prizes because of the time it takes for Cortex to sync our time up. It's hard not to be at least a little agitated when I have to watch every prize slip away while constantly attempting to refresh/redeem.
ah right okay thanks, do they restock?

Not in this season. You have to wait till next one starts.
Userlevel 7
@Dekades Any idea if the Vote to win for season 5, will be using individual earned hours OR Squad accumulated hours?
I am so excited for season 5 I have just started using Razer products and I am already in love with them. Good luck to anyone taking part in season 5!
Let's grab some silver together
Userlevel 7
Gl, have fun and snatch those silvers.
nice :)
it is good
maybe this time
We can play together pleas 3 to 4 hours a day here is the link i hope we have some great time together
Heyo! Join my squad!

We also have a discord server, would be great if you joined:

Make sure you can play for 4 hours a day and from 00:00 UTC so we can get this free silver! 😃
You can join our discord server so we can communicate with each other. If you are gonna fulfill the full 4 hours each day then you may join.
Userlevel 7

Hey Insiders!

Squad Rewards Season 5 is coming at you with NEW PRIZES. Are you ready to gather your gaming buddies and team up?

Same rules in Season 5, we will increase the maximum prize pool to 5 million if we hit 100,000 players based on an initial 1 million Razer Silver in the prize pool.

Curious as to what these new prizes are? Join it now and get started:

  • Gather up to 3 friends (or go solo)
  • Download Cortex: PC, sign-in with your Razer ID's and set up your squad
  • Competition will be starting soon - stay tuned for more info!

It's been exciting to see so many participate in Season 4. We appreciate your engagement and encourage everyone to keep playing your favorite games in Season 5 and don't miss your chance to win prizes.

Join now https://rzr.to/SRS5IP
Redeem rewards with Razer Silver

We hit 157,000+ 💚, maybe we will get more prizes as a number for the places under the Top 3. It will be fair for all 157k + who participate.

Thank you, Razer Team! 💚
Need squad that plans to claim 50k, 100k, 200k, 300k reward. Can always play after reset or at 00:00.
Looking for 2 more Squad members to do 4 hours daily. Join our discord for the link and planning here: https://discord.gg/RZ7CZz3J
Hi, fisrt time here/ How does it work when many teams have same results?
Userlevel 7
Need squad that plans to claim 50k, 100k, 200k, 300k reward. Can always play after reset or at 00:00.

Do you still need?

If you claim those, does it take away hours? or do you keep that hours but still earn those rewards? Im assuming once you redeem those rewards, you lose the hours earned, right?
Userlevel 7
i totally missed this season