[Cortex PC] Squad Rewards Season 5 | Razer Insider

[Cortex PC] Squad Rewards Season 5

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need 2 replacement for claim prize 200k
I have max hours and cap immediately after reset and I am looking for a group to attempt to claim one of the final prizes with. LFG.
Need squad here I already completed 40 hours of gameplay as of now. Thanks.
Can you join. https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/18/2abc566e8bd8
I totally agree with this. On the first 1 to 2 hrs, my squad is in top 2-4 then suddenly we sink within top 40. I find it weird.

I also notice that my squad has 5 mins interval to sync up the total time. I can see some squad has 1 min internal because I can see they have "XXX hour 1 min"

Anyways, good luck to the winners

I noticed this as well. I think what they're doing is a fun idea but it's hard to want to keep doing it in all honesty with the jankiness to it
Can you join. https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/18/2abc566e8bd8

go invite moreeee
Searching a squad which have max hours and the leader want to take the big prize. I will make the hours from reset.
Searching a squad which have max hours and the leader want to take the big prize. I will make the hours from reset.

we still need two members pls https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/18/2abc566e8bd8
we still need two members pls https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/18/2abc566e8bd8

I just joined. Need 1 more. Anyone with max hours collected and who wants to cap immediately after reset so we can claim 300k or more.
because me and my friends are currently on 100h and we aim for 160h, if i redeem the hours for coins do i get the coins or does the whole team get them?
because me and my friends are currently on 100h and we aim for 160h, if i redeem the hours for coins do i get the coins or does the whole team get them?

The prize is devided to all members. But the only prize that is available at this time is the 220h prize and only one team gets it. All lower prizes have been redeemed.
The prize is devided to all members. But the only prize that is available at this time is the 220h prize and only one team gets it. All lower prizes have been redeemed.

ah right okay thanks, do they restock?

Hey Insiders!

Squad Rewards Season 5 is coming at you with NEW PRIZES. Are you ready to gather your gaming buddies and team up?

Same rules in Season 5, we will increase the maximum prize pool to 5 million if we hit 100,000 players based on an initial 1 million Razer Silver in the prize pool.

Curious as to what these new prizes are? Join it now and get started:

  • Gather up to 3 friends (or go solo)
  • Download Cortex: PC, sign-in with your Razer ID's and set up your squad
  • Competition will be starting soon - stay tuned for more info!

It's been exciting to see so many participate in Season 4. We appreciate your engagement and encourage everyone to keep playing your favorite games in Season 5 and don't miss your chance to win prizes.

Join now https://rzr.to/SRS5IP
Redeem rewards with Razer Silver
Userlevel 7
Though, my 1st time actually trying out for this from start until finish, I've noticed the servers or updates to the timers are buggy ... Does the tracker not update every 5mins? or how frequently does it actually update?