i can not optimize roblox | Razer Insider
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It is saying, “Unable to retrieve current game’s settings. Please restart the game or directly change in game settings. If you still encounter problems, update razer cortex to its latest verson, (if applicable).
Any idea why? Ive also tried restarting both the app and cortex.

Thank you for reading

It is saying, “Unable to retrieve current game’s settings. Please restart the game or directly change in game settings. If you still encounter problems, update razer cortex to its latest verson, (if applicable).
Any idea why? Ive also tried restarting both the app and cortex.

Thank you for reading

Hey there!


Thank you for sharing your issue with us on this thread. My name is Michelle from the Razer Cortex technical support team. I am delighted to be of your assistance.


Could you provide us with your Razer Cortex logs via pm for us to further investigate this issue?


We truly appreciate your patience. 




do a full wipe of cortex which means all other software of razer as well then redownload it all back but dont change no settings till you know if that worked or not sometimes razer programs will fuck with each other and it can screw everything up, my cortex started workin when i installed new ram


I’m on a laptop that is fit together snugly so I do not feel comfortable doing this, if there are any other options, id prefer those, but I will do that if I have to.

hey so i couldnt do it for cod until i installed new ram so my suggestion is unplug a ram stickand put it back it and see if that fixes it 
