When is Razer Cortex squad rewards season 6 starting? | Razer Insider

When is Razer Cortex squad rewards season 6 starting?

Since i just missed the last season (5) of Razer Cortex squad reards, I really dont want to miss the next season. Sooo I was wondering when the next Razer Cortex squad rewards season (6) is starting. I know that it will start somewhere this month, but I really want to know the exact date if thats possible 🙂 I hope somebody can tell me the exact date.


Grogu <(o.o)>

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2 Replies

Userlevel 7
Since i just missed the last season (5) of Razer Cortex squad reards, I really dont want to miss the next season. Sooo was wondering when the next Razer Cortex squad rewards season (6) is starting. I know that it will start somewhere this month, but I really want to know the exact date if thats possible 🙂 I hope somebody can tell me the exact date.


Grogu <(o.o)>

Hi @Gamerzero4444,
8 April or Maybe After 13 April? :wink_:
Hello there!
Thank you for replying @xCryptik. Tommorow would be really nicee, but I can wait (I think). Anyway this does put a :smile_:on my face!