I'm still waiting for FLOOR MAT "CHROMA" 😂
I would prefer without mat
My room is too small that could fit in
That limited the movement of the chair
that mat looks nice
Where's the RGB ?? 😂
Looks cool but where is the rgb?!? LOL!
Added to the buy list.
OKAY!!! I will be frank, just reading the title made me doubt about the sanity of the post, made me check the calendar for April Fools. Heck I had already thought of a bad joke about the Mat(DoorMat) making Swish sounds whenever I rubbed my feet on it...
But that mat looks so Good!! Sorry for the doubt!!
wtf hahaha, but i prefer simple carpet
Why do I think that I've seen this before?
i think i need this one
I'd see this in fluorescent version. It would look great at night
looks like something I'll find in an esport venue
I'd see this in fluorescent version. It would look great at night :)
Imagine RGB Fluorescence o_O Damn.. it already looks too good for my imagination.
Hello friends
Team Razer Floor Mat is perfect for supporters of Esport Razer team and protecting your floor. Perfect combo. ^_^
For Mother Nature lovers, there is also Razer Sneki Snek floor rug.

damn, my flooring already has scratches. so... lol
I've been telling you all... take any product - literally any product - and Razer will monetize it by saying "gamer apparel" and people will jump on it. Diluting your brand Razer!
Nice mat.
At the moment I don't use my battlestation on a tile, wooden floor.
I don't need it just yet, but maybe near future~~~
Razer floor mat glowing one a better option.